What will 4 years if Harris mean for Insurance?


I've lost nothing.
OK, OK, I have lost a step or two, and I may not be as good as I ever was, but I can still boogie.

Cool. If you're not losing, then you have no reasons to complain about any policy you don't like... because you're not losing anything.

Taxes go up, no problem.
Abortion protections codified, no problem.
Inflation goes insane due to reckless spending, no problem.
Don't like immigration reforms, no problem.

Government works best when (because third party will never be viable at the federal level) when two sides bring policies and come to an agreement where no one wins everything, but no one loses everything either.

We all lose under single party control. But when 1 party is completely out of touch with everyday Americans, which the MAGA Party is, you get what you get.

Trump doesn't care about the military
Seems I have touched a nerve lol

I know based on his own words, I know based on his botched afghan withdrawal negotiations.

Like you would know. Why would you say that? TDS maybe? And it's a real thing. That's like me saying Joe is a pedo and Barry was born in Africa. Watch yourself.

Watch myself huh? Y'all are hilarious
Who was President?

Hell, who is President today?

How many Vet family and buddies do you talk to regularly?

Come on man, you seem like an intelligent person, Trumps administration negotiated the afghan withdrawal and the biden admin followed through on it, if you can't agree on basic facts then this country is toast.