What will 4 years if Harris mean for Insurance?

Yeah, I don't really care what he is politically.

But he sure seems to want to tell me what I am and should be.

But in the end, we are all grown and most likely pretty much who we are. For now.
I'm not telling you what you should be... I'm telling you that you're internally inconsistent.

You can't say "I don't like Trump, but he has a great policy record."

That's not consistent. His policies are a train wreck, objectively. He was a horrible President in pretty much every reasonable metric.

He doesn't identify with any Republican or Conservative values and his policies reflect that.

If you don't like him personally, but you think he has a strong policy record (which directly reflective of who he is personally) it's inconsistent. That's a lie.

Just say you like Trump. Then you're not a liar. Pretending like you don't is transparently false.

You can like that you're lying to yourself. That doesn't mean that you're not lying to yourself.

I don't care if you're a Republican, Democrat, or Independent/3rd Party... I can disagree with policy. The issue is that it's not policy, because Trump (and MAGA) have habitually ignored generations of precedent, settled law, shit that has never worked (Trickle down), or are so outside of reasonable that they fundamentally change what America is... for the worse.

I mean, anyone that supports MAGA is essentially supporting Donald Trump as a dictator that answers to no one...

That's literally what Project 2025, plus SCOTUS rulings, equate.
PS: If you looked at any of the shit that Trump has pulled over the last 12 years and assigned those actions to someone you didn't agree with philosophically, every single person on this forum would be losing their shit.

That's when you lose the moral high ground.

If Biden, Harris, or Obama said come to the Capitol, spend three hours telling people how their political opponent was stealing the election, squeezed in a "be peaceful", but spent a majority of time to go fight like hell... then people overran Congress to stop a fair electoral count (on top of everything else)..

You'd be calling it treason... because that's what it is.
squeezed in a "be peaceful"
I think using words like "stolen, strength, force, not going to take it any longer, don't concede when there's theft involved, stop the steal, he's got guts. He fights, he fights, and march" is pretty self-explanatory.
PS: If you looked at any of the shit that Trump has pulled over the last 12 years and assigned those actions to someone you didn't agree with philosophically, every single person on this forum would be losing their shit.

That's when you lose the moral high ground.

If Biden, Harris, or Obama said come to the Capitol, spend three hours telling people how their political opponent was stealing the election, squeezed in a "be peaceful", but spent a majority of time to go fight like hell... then people overran Congress to stop a fair electoral count (on top of everything else)..

You'd be calling it treason... because that's what it is.
The pro-lifers are also the same people screaming about government overreach and regulations, yet want the feds to overrule what is currently a state decision.
The pro-lifers are also the same people screaming about government overreach and regulations, yet want the feds to overrule what is currently a state decision.
Which is another hypocricy.

You can't be Pro-Life and Pro-Death Penality... because all life is sacred... right?