What will 4 years if Harris mean for Insurance?

Some of you boys can join me in a short prayer if you want.

Lord, thank you for giving me the Ignore button on here. That sucker is awesome.

I'm not telling you what you should be... I'm telling you that you're internally inconsistent.

You can't say "I don't like Trump, but he has a great policy record."

That's not consistent. His policies are a train wreck, objectively. He was a horrible President in pretty much every reasonable metric.

He doesn't identify with any Republican or Conservative values and his policies reflect that.

If you don't like him personally, but you think he has a strong policy record (which directly reflective of who he is personally) it's inconsistent. That's a lie.

Just say you like Trump. Then you're not a liar. Pretending like you don't is transparently false.

You can like that you're lying to yourself. That doesn't mean that you're not lying to yourself.

I don't care if you're a Republican, Democrat, or Independent/3rd Party... I can disagree with policy. The issue is that it's not policy, because Trump (and MAGA) have habitually ignored generations of precedent, settled law, shit that has never worked (Trickle down), or are so outside of reasonable that they fundamentally change what America is... for the worse.

I mean, anyone that supports MAGA is essentially supporting Donald Trump as a dictator that answers to no one...

That's literally what Project 2025, plus SCOTUS rulings, equate.

OK, got my morning stuff done.

"I'm not telling you what you should be... "

Read your own post. You constantly do that.

"You can't say "I don't like Trump, but he has a great policy record." "

Show me. Where did I say he has a great policy record? Show me.
I also never said Harris, your girl, does not have a record. She does. And I can say whatever the *** I choose. You have no say, unless I allow you. And I don't.

"You can like that you're lying to yourself. That doesn't mean that you're not lying to yourself."

And here go again.
Why thank you for that permission Lord Travis. However, you do not have the chops to judge whether I, or anyone else, are lying to ourselves.

"I don't care if you're a Republican, Democrat, or Independent/3rd Party... I can disagree with policy. "

OK? Would you be lying to yourself?

"The issue is that it's not policy,"


"because Trump (and MAGA) have habitually ignored generations of precedent, settled law,"

So no changes needed. Boomers rule?
Not very progressive of you. Not really your fault. You simply do not know what you do not know. You've haven't had time to experience it yet. Many changes to generational laws and norms will never be again. Like Blacks and Women not allowed to vote, the whole list of Civil Rights wins of the 60s, 70s and 80s, ask your grandparents or Google it. People being able to marry who they want. Your welcome.

I am uber greatful that I do not live in the same world my grandfather did.

"I mean, anyone that supports MAGA.."

Show me where I support MAGA. Or am anti MAGA. err I mean deplorables. On MAGA, I think that slogan has changed and evolved in the last eight years. It is a much broader demographic now. I know some Center Left Right new Trump supporters that want to Make America Great Again. They didn't believe Biden could stay coherent and Harris as an empty pant suit. I agree with them. I don't have the hat though.

So, did you vote for Biden?
Were you going to vote for him as of last month?
Show me. Where did I say he has a great policy record? Show me.
Show us where you've criticized Trump's policies, or personal traits, with the same zeal you criticize Biden/Harris, which has basically been every chance you get. If you don't like politician's in general, but only attack one party, people may get the wrong impression.
I don't truly believe most street level Republican voters are racist. I do absolutely believe that the Republican Party, as a policy making entity, is a racist entity.
I'm going to pick on this point because it's extremely important and you couldn't be more wrong. The opposite is true.

The Democrats are, literally, the party of racism as policy. Racism is judging/treating individuals as members of a racial group as opposed to as individuals. You can argue this is sometimes good (the official Democrat policy position), in fact, all racists do. You can also try to re-define what racism is, but that's the meaning that gave it all the negative emotional connotation it has. If you want to define something new, find a new word for the type of racism you like.

It is the policy supported by Democrats that a person's race should factor into hiring, college admissions, law enforcement, lending, receiving medical care, etc. (Yes, that last one really happened and the current Dem VP candidate oversaw it. See attached.) You can play the "no they don't!" game, but I can point you to actual policies that prove this is the case.

It is the policy position of Republicans that race should NOT be a factor in such decisions, which is the NON-RACISM position. This couldn't be more clear.

Aside from policy, there are also the beliefs/attitudes. It is a mainstream belief of D voters that it's unfair to expect members of (some) minority races to compete with others without being granted exceptions in standards. This is also a belief of some (racist) R voters, but they're not the mainstream.

It was D voters who told everyone a book by Robin DiAngelo was a must read and through insane $ at her to speak to audiences. A book where she details things like feeling uneasy when she see's a black manager at a business, terror when she thought she might be arriving at a majority-black barbecue, etc. Things only racists could relate to.

It's D voters who implement things like options for racially-segregated classes, housing (yes, these are things, look them up) and workshops for people to discuss how significant their race is to their lives and others'.

There are obviously racists in both parties, but if we're going to label one the part OF racism/racist policy, it is clearly and obviously the Democrats.


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I'm going to pick on this point because it's extremely important and you couldn't be more wrong. The opposite is true.

The Democrats are, literally, the party of racism as policy. Racism is judging/treating individuals as members of a racial group as opposed to as individuals. You can argue this is sometimes good (the official Democrat policy position), in fact, all racists do. You can also try to re-define what racism is, but that's the meaning that gave it all the negative emotional connotation it has. If you want to define something new, find a new word for the type of racism you like.

It is the policy supported by Democrats that a person's race should factor into hiring, college admissions, law enforcement, lending, receiving medical care, etc. (Yes, that last one really happened and the current Dem VP candidate oversaw it. See attached.) You can play the "no they don't!" game, but I can point you to actual policies that prove this is the case.

It is the policy position of Republicans that race should NOT be a factor in such decisions, which is the NON-RACISM position. This couldn't be more clear.

Aside from policy, there are also the beliefs/attitudes. It is a mainstream belief of D voters that it's unfair to expect members of (some) minority races to compete with others without being granted exceptions in standards. This is also a belief of some (racist) R voters, but they're not the mainstream.

It was D voters who told everyone a book by Robin DiAngelo was a must read and through insane $ at her to speak to audiences. A book where she details things like feeling uneasy when she see's a black manager at a business, terror when she thought she might be arriving at a majority-black barbecue, etc. Things only racists could relate to.

It's D voters who implement things like options for racially-segregated classes, housing (yes, these are things, look them up) and workshops for people to discuss how significant their race is to their lives and others'.

There are obviously racists in both parties, but if we're going to label one the part OF racism/racist policy, it is clearly and obviously the Democrats.
It's a chicken and egg thing. Were it not for racism, DEI policies would not be needed. MAGA disapproves of such programs because it threatens their perceived position of status.