What will 4 years if Harris mean for Insurance?

I'm going to pick on this point because it's extremely important and you couldn't be more wrong. The opposite is true.

The Democrats are, literally, the party of racism as policy. Racism is judging/treating individuals as members of a racial group as opposed to as individuals. You can argue this is sometimes good (the official Democrat policy position), in fact, all racists do. You can also try to re-define what racism is, but that's the meaning that gave it all the negative emotional connotation it has. If you want to define something new, find a new word for the type of racism you like.

It is the policy supported by Democrats that a person's race should factor into hiring, college admissions, law enforcement, lending, receiving medical care, etc. (Yes, that last one really happened and the current Dem VP candidate oversaw it. See attached.) You can play the "no they don't!" game, but I can point you to actual policies that prove this is the case.

It is the policy position of Republicans that race should NOT be a factor in such decisions, which is the NON-RACISM position. This couldn't be more clear.

Aside from policy, there are also the beliefs/attitudes. It is a mainstream belief of D voters that it's unfair to expect members of (some) minority races to compete with others without being granted exceptions in standards. This is also a belief of some (racist) R voters, but they're not the mainstream.

It was D voters who told everyone a book by Robin DiAngelo was a must read and through insane $ at her to speak to audiences. A book where she details things like feeling uneasy when she see's a black manager at a business, terror when she thought she might be arriving at a majority-black barbecue, etc. Things only racists could relate to.

It's D voters who implement things like options for racially-segregated classes, housing (yes, these are things, look them up) and workshops for people to discuss how significant their race is to their lives and others'.

There are obviously racists in both parties, but if we're going to label one the part OF racism/racist policy, it is clearly and obviously the Democrats.

If Dems were the party of racism how come all the racists are right-wing GOP MAGA Chuds?
I sure did - You think dei is racist, you probably thought affirmative action was racist too.
Yes, and I've explained why it's racist. Judging/treating people as members of a racial group as opposed to individuals is what racism is.

Somehow you (and millions of others) have convinced yourself the opposite is true. If you treat people as individuals and don't factor in race, somehow THAT is racist/bad.

You're in terrible company. The "MAGA" racists you hate believe the same thing.
TLDR: I'll put my background and knowledge of government and political issues against almost anyone on this forum.

You can lie to me. I dont care. I'm smart enough to call bullshit on it and prove it. The bigger concern, for me, is that youre lying to yourself. That's delusion.

Main post:

I never moved out of the country, or even implied I did or was going to, that I can recall... but I totally would if I found somewhere that I was excited to move to... or treated me better as a citizen and fit what I want out of a new country.

Secondly, to be fair, when I was in my early 30's and prior, I didn't vote much. I would say that I've research and participated in every primary, midterm, and Presidential election since 2016.

I've also spoken with canvassers of both parties in election years and had open discussions about why I support or do not support a candidate up and down the ticket, both state and federal office.

I also listen to hours of interviews with candidates and do background research when things come up to understand the left, right, and moderate views.

I'll put my time and effort to know what's going on, objectively, against anyone on this forum.. full stop.

I'd also challenge that I give more resources and time to my local community. This includes giving eggs from my farm for free to people in need, speaking to teens in school about adjusting from being in school to transitioning to becoming an adult (career, adult challenges, money, etc.)

I've worked for state government as a Disability Claims analyst for Social Security, and represented people before SSA. Up to, but not limited to, the ALJ level (meaning before a judge.)

I've also worked in Medicare since (and I'll just speak for the most recent timeframe) since 2016... but been involved in multiple areas of Medicare since 2004.

So, no offense, my background in government and public programs runs circles around 90% of this forum, full stop.

I wish I was in my 20's.

Saying you don't like Trump, and then pretending he had some great policy record, is inconsistent... because objectively, there are very little policy wins under a Trump Presidency that improve the lives of most Americans.

Under him, he's the only President to have a net loss of jobs since Herbert Hoover.

Under the Trump Presidency, significant monetary supply and debt was added to the US in a very short time... which directly relates to inflation.

Objectively, when inflation spikes lines up to the average time frame that we know it takes for inflation to move from creation to main street.

I've been pretty clear... If you don't understand how the Republican Party, as an entity, is highly racist (especially under MAGA) you're willfully ignorant and lying to yourself.

If you are a Republican and don't feel that you're racist, I'm clearly not talking to you... so if you're getting butthurt.. that's on you.

I don't truly believe most street level Republican voters are racist. I do absolutely believe that the Republican Party, as a policy making entity, is a racist entity.

But keep telling yourself that the Republican Party are the heros in this story.. because the majority of Americans clearly disagree.

OK, I'm not going to go point by point with you. You are giving me gas.

Just a couple:

I didn't say you moved to a different Country. (Hint - Three Dog Night)

"I also listen to hours of interviews with candidates and do background research when things come up to understand the left, right, and moderate views."


Record - Man, say it often and with conviction and some one will believe it. Even if it is just you. Reread the post that got your under roose knotted. Paraphrasing - vs Harris record.

What is it with you guys and race baiting. You guys live in the Freest time in 50 plus years. You have no real clue what that life was like in the 50s, 60s and 70s. I do, I was there. You're welcome.
The 80s, 90s, 2Ks? Yup, raised little brown boys and girls then. Not one victim. You're welcome.

I grew up in a little poor town with dust bowl transplants. Many families brought their ways with them from the South. As a kid i thought all 'Americans' talked with that accent. They proudly flew their flags. And had their secret meetings. I know Racist. Guess which Party they were proudly members of.

One question - how do you define Racist?
Other than me.

Volunteer and giving? Yup, regularly. Not as a paid job. What, you Instagram yourself handing someone an egg?

Republican Party heros? Show me where I said or implied that. BTW, in all your indepth research I'm sure you may have noticed but forgot that the RNC and Never Trumpers don't really like Trump. Ever. Even had a Primary. Unlike the DNC selection process. Democracy?

OK, I'm getting bored.

I wish you well. Have a good one.
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Yeah, this is boring...

Here's the truth, like it or not:

If you vote for Trump, you're voting for a Traitor to democracy. If you support Trump, you are giving aid to a Traitor.. Thus you are a Traitor.

If you like being a Traitor to the US by supporting another Traitor, cool.

There's no policy debate or policy argument here.

"He's a traitor, but he has great policies" is a nonstarter.

PS: I didn't say Republicans or Conservatives are traitors. I said people that are voting for a Traitor are giving aid to a Traitor... thus you are a Traitor.
Yeah, this is boring...

Here's the truth, like it or not:

If you vote for Trump, you're voting for a Traitor to democracy. If you support Trump, you are giving aid to a Traitor.. Thus you are a Traitor.

If you like being a Traitor to the US by supporting another Traitor, cool.

There's no policy debate or policy argument here.

"He's a traitor, but he has great policies" is a nonstarter.

PS: I didn't say Republicans or Conservatives are traitors. I said people that are voting for a Traitor are giving aid to a Traitor... thus you are a Traitor.

OK, you win.

Your the winner.
Yeah, this is boring...

Here's the truth, like it or not:

If you vote for Trump, you're voting for a Traitor to democracy. If you support Trump, you are giving aid to a Traitor.. Thus you are a Traitor.

If you like being a Traitor to the US by supporting another Traitor, cool.

There's no policy debate or policy argument here.

"He's a traitor, but he has great policies" is a nonstarter.

PS: I didn't say Republicans or Conservatives are traitors. I said people that are voting for a Traitor are giving aid to a Traitor... thus you are a Traitor.
Enable victory for a person you believe will make life objectively worse for the majority of people in your country or you're a traitor to that country!

That's some "I sit alone with my emotions way too much" stuff if I've ever seen it.