What will 4 years if Harris mean for Insurance?

What should have been a personal expense, was written off as a business expense. He should have paid out of pocket, and I'm pretty sure the IRS does not consider screwing strippers as a valid deduction on personal income filings.
Incorrect. I had a girlfriend that would ask me to "give her the business".

Definitely a business expense.

Also, it could be taxing at times, so there's that.
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Kumalla "Heels-UP!" Harris is actually on record stating she wants to do away with all insurance. This woman is absolutely f**king insane. Anyone in this industry that votes for her has an IQ that's hovering somewhere in the low 60's. Sorry if that hurts some of your feelings, but it's the truth. I'd call it Stockholm Syndrome, but it's worse. It's "Dumbass Syndrome." I mean, seriously. The woman is literally saying "Hey stupid....I'm gonna try and take your job away." And you morons sit there and go "Yaaaaaaaas Queen!!!!" I swear, this country is a complete and total Idiocracy. Everyday I wake up, it feels like I'm in the f**king "Twilight Zone."

Yup for me it's groundhogs day waking up feeling like i am in the twilight zone

Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Interesting how the conversation switched to IRS. This is a NY state issue. It has nothing to with the Federal government or the IRS. Trump knew most of the state is run by Democrats. He decided to run his business there. He decided to break laws of NY. No body put a gun on his head and said run your business in NY. He will live with the consequences. I hope they give him 2 year suspended sentence and waive jail time because of his old age.