What will 4 years if Harris mean for Insurance?

This country is in trouble and more divided then ever. Let's look at this from 12k feet:

Libs have run the country for 12 of the past 16 years, but repubs are to blame. 2 of the 4 years repubs had a pandemic to deal with.

Residents are leaving decades long liberal run states and cities in droves, but it's the repubs fault somehow. Half of my new AZ clients come from the west coast turning my state bluer, wonder why?

Obama, the presumed uniter in chief, started all this hatred between the parties. "Elections have consequences."
This country is in trouble and more divided then ever. Let's look at this from 12k feet:

Libs have run the country for 12 of the past 16 years, but repubs are to blame. 2 of the 4 years repubs had a pandemic to deal with.

Residents are leaving decades long liberal run states and cities in droves, but it's the repubs fault somehow. Half of my new AZ clients come from the west coast turning my state bluer, wonder why?

Obama, the presumed uniter in chief, started all this hatred between the parties. "Elections have consequences."

Congress runs the country, not the President.

The US is not a Monarchy.

However, due to SCOTUS rulings, we are becoming an Oligarchy very quickly.
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Interesting how the conversation switched to IRS. This is a NY state issue. It has nothing to with the Federal government or the IRS. Trump knew most of the state is run by Democrats. He decided to run his business there. He decided to break laws of NY. No body put a gun on his head and said run your business in NY. He will live with the consequences. I hope they give him 2 year suspended sentence and waive jail time because of his old age.

They are just repeating what they heard from alt right talking heads.


His illegal accounting methods (that he personally directed to happen over email, voicemail, in print, and in conversations hear by others)...

Defrauded insurers in the state of NY.

It defrauded banks in the state of NY.

It defrauded tax-payers in the state of NY.

Tens of millions in fraud.

Business owners have been prosecuted in NY for less than $10k in fraud.

Nothing selective about it.

It is exactly what our Justice System is supposed to do in the business world.
Find and prosecute fraud and corruption within the state.