What Wordpress Themes Are You Using?

Having an original theme for your Wordpress site might help your brand since there are lots of free theme available and chances of having duplicates might get visitors confused.
I have to agree with some of the others the agency theme by studio press is a great and versatile theme for an insurance or real estate agency. I got their entire suite of themes for only $300 bucks. I don't use them all but it was well worth the money. I know they sell single themes as well.
I just choose one for the functionality and then edit it to make it my own.
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Try something that matches up well with your actual website theme and feel. You don't want someone on your main page of your website clicking the link to your blog and having clashing colors, themes, etc
There are a zillion themes out there... many of them free from the Wordpress site.

When I put up my WP site about 18 months ago I actually looked at EVERY free theme that WP offered... and at that time there were about 950 of them!

My thought was that by looking at them one or two of them would "jump out" at me and be consistent with the message I wanted my site to convey AND which would resonate with the reader.

It's still a crap-shoot, but personally I would advise you to go with "your gut." I was right about mine. My site represents how I "feel" about insurance and pretty much how I approach people about it.

But that's "me" and you need to find "you." This is not a one-size-fits-all kind of thing.

Most of you want to use your website to ATTRACT business. That's great if it works. I use mine to CLOSE business. I don't sell insurance. Ostensibly I try to "educate" but subliminally I try to sell "me." I've had pretty good success using my paradigm, but it is surely not the only one nor perhaps the BEST one. It all depends on you, your "personality" and, of course, your market. Mine is made up of older, jaded, experienced people usually self-employed as opposed to bright, bouncy young couples just starting out.

I had a slight advantage because I've owned a book publishing company for 20 years and after you have seen tens of thousands of book covers and hob-nobbed with graphic people you get an idea of what works (in the 3 seconds someone looks at a cover in the store) and what doesn't. I'm not sure all of that is transferable to the web, but such knowledge does not hurt.

Anyway, a web is not like a book cover. You can change it on a whim.

Review them all... and no doubt you will find one that appeals to you... I'm sure of it.

My website.
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