What's Needed to Get Started

It depends on what state you are in. Some, you could order the study materials today, get them tomorrow, and take the test Friday if you thought you could pass. Some don't require classes.
NM is one of these states.

It depends on what state you are in. Some, you could order the study materials today, get them tomorrow, and take the test Friday if you thought you could pass. Some don't require classes.
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apparently AZ is as well.

NM is one of these states.
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I disagree about going captive, you will be frustrated once you see all the money you made them. You indicated you were good at sales, talk to Scott at HCO. He will help you out alot. He is a great guy, but more importantly, he will get you on the right track to making money and having a whole aresenal of top rated insurers at your fingertips. Being outsold is nearly impossible. :)
I'm in IL and class time is required. I'm in touch with the closest training program to me now. I hope to have this done by the end of the month. I'm working another job at the moment and I'll need to keep that while I build this business. My concern is time? Just starting out will it really be possible to do both (I'm hoping no more than 2mnths). This is why I'm most interested in being independent and not captive.
Help your clients liquidate underperforming investment assets to fund two SPIAs, one for investment replacement and one to make annual gifts to an ILIT for wealth transfer.

Off topic, but I'd be a little cautious using this strategy right now. Interest rates have no where to go but up and inflation could be a real threat in the near future, the SPIA payout they get today and what they could get waiting a couple years could be drastically different. That being said, your point about there are all sorts of neat strategies that can be used with life insurance/annuities to complement investments.