What's the latest insurance gossip

From the other side.

Clearly lack of insurance wasn't going to stop these people from driving. By having insurance, at least there was something for the person they hit.

I disagree. Without insurance they could not register their vehicles. That would inhibit their ability to drive.

But I do see your point.
You are incorrect. Without insurance they could not register their vehicles. That would inhibit their ability to drive.
You are expecting them to act responsibly and that ain't gonna happen...If they did that thye would no have such horrible MVRs.. They will drive with or without insurance and with or without registration...
Now we are getting personal. As I have said before, I am not fat. I am just under height for my weight.

Me too ... and after years of trying I have given up on growing another foot taller (I kept thinking that surely I could grow into this weight) so I will settle for another 30 to 50 pounds lighter,