When does prospecting end?

I was out the other day and in walked into an acquaintance I knew from way back. Here's how it went: "Hey! How have you been?! Do you have Life Insurance?" He replied "I do, thru my school." Ok, well, you could always use more and I'll bet it's Term.


This is the kind of stuff that has given insurance agents the reputation they've acquired over the years...

Pretty soon when an "acquaintance" sees you coming, they'll turn and RUN the other way.
I ran into that problem, where my friends and acquaintances wouldn't return my calls and would basically avoid me until someone brought it to my attention that i was basically trying to sell to anyone i got within five feet of. Now if your friends come to you...game on!!

I was out the other day and in walked into an acquaintance I knew from way back. Here's how it went: "Hey! How have you been?! Do you have Life Insurance?" He replied "I do, thru my school." Ok, well, you could always use more and I'll bet it's Term. "You maybe right, I'll look it up.

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Never solicit your friends and family when you become an agent! That they obviously know you've become an agent is a "duh" statement. If they want to contact you they will.

Your friends and even family members may not want you to know details regarding their health. You think your high school buddy wants to tell you about his wife's cervical cyst? Maybe one of your relatives had a DUI they don't want to discuss?

Leave them alone

If you want to make sure you stop getting calls from your friends - go pitch 'em on insurance.
I'll take that under advisement Mr. Quint. 1.3 sales a week I can do. Despite what some folks on this forum may think about only getting one lead a day and loss ratios and all that other negative jargon.

Scream for me Long Beach! No, wait that's California thanks to Mr. Dickenson. Long Beach NY, nice area, so many lights on that main drag mate....one every 50' is totally unacceptable.

That is true, way too many lights, that's why I drive on the boardwalk, LOL.
...and when you're at social events - leave it the frick at home. No one at the pig roast wants to get your card...trust me.

I can't go to any one of these events without some douche bag hitting me up to become one of their clients. Christ - crack a beer and grab a burger.
I never understood the "until you learn what you're doing, practice on friends and relatives" concept. That must suck.
Never solicit your friends and family when you become an agent! That they obviously know you've become an agent is a "duh" statement. If they want to contact you they will.

Your friends and even family members may not want you to know details regarding their health. You think your high school buddy wants to tell you about his wife's cervical cyst? Maybe one of your relatives had a DUI they don't want to .

Indeed. Also, some of your friends and relatives are also crappy clients. You just dont know it yet. You have a relaxed coffee with them and it makes it easier to set things in motion. However, when they never get around to completing the paramed or signing the papers to transfer funds for the annuity it can get old. Then you have to either move the transaction forward or close it down somehow.
