When to walk away...

Day, the spirit of my post you understand. Please stop taking away from the value here

If you want to come in here with a totally off topic question, it's better to create your own thread instead.

You guys are not helping your case. Did @bboman23 not give you a copy of the forum rule book?

To say y'all are overreacting would be a gross understatement. Every response to me just makes you look a little more ridiculous. Just move on with your thread. FWIW I never figured there would be a response at all and I'd never have looked here again.
@DayTimer were you trolling? I didn't take it that way. I must be a bit obtuse!

I didn't think so either, though I didn't think I'd get an answer, either. Certainly didn't think I'd get a response like 3H gave.

You know, when I was a kid I was in the 4H club. I guess I may never get into the 3H club though.
Forum 101 is to be helpful and give good content (you do this often) and to keep things transparent in my opinion. I just think you are better than that post man.
Stop stirring the pot and spamming posts with negativity man.. It unwarranted - you get the point of the post. Troll too hard and too frequently
