When to walk away...

Perhaps now it is time to walk away ...

Perhaps now it is time to walk away ...

Point is simple, you come in and post stuff about EFES and expect no backlash. It's negative, why even take time out of your day to post something negative? It is a troll, you know our organization, you were once apart of it. Why ask a question you already know the answer to? Just to get some type of response out of us. Are you a 500k producer? Add value and post good content instead of trolling, which is certainly what you did and do. I read a lot of your posts (some are honestly really great content) and it seems to be an ongoing trend with you.
Point is simple, you come in and post stuff about EFES and expect no backlash.

Nothing wrong with EFES as a place to learn the biz.

It's ALMOST as good as Lincoln Heritage!

FE Forum has been a bit like an old country demolition derby long before you got here yesterday and I got here last week ... we might smash into one another, even throw a few fists, but we all friends,

Relax 3H and be one with the FE Forum Zen.

Might I suggest you try the bacon?