When to walk away...

Stop stirring the pot and spamming posts with negativity man.. It unwarranted - you get the point of the post. Troll too hard and too frequently

First of all, trolling?

Second of all, negativity?

And finally, who are you to come to the place where pot stirring is an art form and tell any of us to stop stirring the pot? (I'd like to hear what @goillini52 would think of a pot-stirring ban in the FE forum lol)

You have no idea how easy we've been on you guys.

So far.
First of all, trolling?

Second of all, negativity?

And finally, who are you to come to the place where pot stirring is an art form and tell any of us to stop stirring the pot? (I'd like to hear what @goillini52 would think of a pot-stirring ban in the FE forum lol)

You have no idea how easy we've been on you guys.

So far.

Haha, this should be your new avatar

Day, the spirit of my post you understand. Please stop taking away from the value here which was showing newer folks watching a valuable lesson of what to look for and avoid. You are doing a disservice to everyone. I'd say troll is accurate in this scenario.

You have so much more to offer than this. I know you're a good agent, please add value instead of calling people out for nonexistent issues.