Where To Begin On Online Marketing Strategy for Insurance Biz?

I hope you know this is a nofollow forum

Lol I am not posting for links :)

In the last 5 days there have been 6-10 posts with questions about email, local seo, where to start marketing, cold calling and how to use facebook. Normally 2 pages in 2 of the gurus start arguing about technique and companies that are scams and no information is provided. So we are providing actual system examples for the new guys, and the older guys.

One of the issues were seeing is not enough agents putting any real forethought into their marketing practices, many of the "systems" for sale don't really seem to either. So we are building them from scratch. Any input you have would be very much appreciated.

This can be a very difficult industry to break into for a number of reasons, I think its time that changes
Hahahaha 2200 posts later.....

If you think Im on here just to build links your sadly mistaken. And obviously dont read any of the Life or Annuity sections on here.

I have had a link in my signature for about a month now.

But if you would like to answer my question instead of being a jerk mistakenly making fun of somebody I would appreciate it.

Or if anyone who actually enjoys adding value to this forum would like to answer I would be even more grateful.
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A nice mix is nice. 70/30 maybe?

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If you think Im on here just to build links your sadly mistaken. And obviously dont read any of the Life or Annuity sections on here.

I have had a link in my signature for about a month now.

But if you would like to answer my question instead of being a jerk mistakenly making fun of somebody I would appreciate it.

my bad.... I seriously thought you were being sarcastic.

check this out: SEOquake - seo toolbar, plugin, seo extension for Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera

Its a useful seo tool bar that can tell you if links on a page have the no-follow attribute along with tons of other useful bits of info. Nofollow links will show up with a line across them.
my bad.... I seriously thought you were being sarcastic.

check this out: SEOquake - seo toolbar, plugin, seo extension for Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera

Its a useful seo tool bar that can tell you if links on a page have the no-follow attribute along with tons of other useful bits of info. Nofollow links will show up with a line across them.

Nope, just really that dumb when it comes to SEO... lol.

Im new to websites and the SEO world. Ive only learned about follow/no-follow links recently.
I do have an add-on for firefox now that highlights no-follow links.

But do they really have absolutely no value? Ive read conflicting statements about it when researching...
Nope, just really that dumb when it comes to SEO... lol.

Im new to websites and the SEO world. Ive only learned about follow/no-follow links recently.
I do have an add-on for firefox now that highlights no-follow links.

But do they really have absolutely no value? Ive read conflicting statements about it when researching...

They can have plenty of value. For instance, if you add substantial value to this forum, people may actually click on your link and visit your site (unless it is a $599+ wordpress design firm).

Do nofollow links have any uses besides this? Yes, for instance, if a nofollow link is used on a high domain/authority website, it can help you get Google to index your pages quicker. Like if I create a new webpage I always post it to my ESTABLISHED pr6 twitter page because Google reviews twitter more frequently than my website and will allow them to find and index my new page faster.

Will a nofollow link help you increase rankings on Google? 99% sure the answer is no.