White House Announces Contraception Compromise

Crabcake Johnny

5000 Post Club
The White House announced a compromise Friday in the dispute over whether to require full contraception insurance coverage for female employees at religiously affiliated institutions.
Under the new plan, religiously affiliated universities and hospitals will not be forced to offer contraception coverage to their employees. Insurers will be required, however, to offer complete coverage free of charge to any women who work at such institutions.

Female employees at churches themselves will have no guarantee of any contraception coverage -- a continuation of current law.

There will be a one-year transition period for religious organizations after the policy formally takes effect on August 1.
President Barack Obama will announce the decision at 12:15 p.m. at the White House. The president briefed New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan, head of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, on the decision Friday morning....White House announces contraception compromise - CNN.com
There you go, put the responsibility on the insurance company to pre-determine and keep track of all those eligible institutions, and to pay for it also. I wonder if they are allowed to raise the premiums? or I would love to see the reaction of the priest when he finds out he's paying for it thru the premium.

more hocus pocus.
put the responsibility on the insurance company

It's called a hidden tax.

Premiums rise.

Voters blame insurance company.

Prez gets in bully pulpit to criticize fat cat insurance carriers.

Sails to re-election on the promise of free everything without a tax increase (except on the rich).
Except a lot of religious organizatons are self-funded, meaning they have to pay for it and not just through some additional insurance premiums, but directly.

Oh well, someone who doesn't care about the constitution shouldn't be bothered with freedom of religion either.

There you go, put the responsibility on the insurance company to pre-determine and keep track of all those eligible institutions, and to pay for it also. I wonder if they are allowed to raise the premiums? or I would love to see the reaction of the priest when he finds out he's paying for it thru the premium. more hocus pocus.

The more this Affordable sCare Act rolls out, the more confusion it causes. For instance, we had a discussion here in the Forum during the Fall of 2011 about the Birth Control provision that HHS added to the Preventive Services Mandate.

According to this HHS matrix, Women's Preventive Services: Required Health Plan Coverage Guidelines the contraception mandate goes into effect for all health insurance plans in August 2012.

If this is the case, then why did ObamSebelius attempt to force Religion Industry employers to begin paying for these birth control methods? They were already mandated to go into effect with every insurance plan! All Obamsebelius did when they "compromised" was to shift the responsibility back to insurance companies, which is how it was designed to be in the first place!

It's almost as if Obamsebelius wanted to taunt religious organizations intentionally, just to aggravate them. It certainly wasn't because Obamsebelius started feeling empathy for health insurance companies.