White House Announces Contraception Compromise

Health insurance is there for accidents and illnesses. Choosing to take birth control pills is neither. It's a lifestyle choice.

Libs and other whacked out left attempt to point out that unless birth control is free, women will end up pregnant and cost the system a small fortune - not only in maternity costs, but welfare. Last time I checked, condoms were pretty cheap, but I digress.

This amounts to nothing more than blackmail; "I'm going to have unprotected sex and unless you pay for my birth control I'm gonna get pregnant and file for welfare."

But in caving in to this blackmail the only lesson taught is that bad behavior is rewarded. "Life" is a series of consequences for every action. When you take away consequences it only encourages more of said action.
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Not just limited to religious groups. Any self funded plan.

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I think it's a great idea to cover contraceptives 100%. If you're so sure that the people in your religous organization know not to use them, then it shouldn't matter anyway. It's probably the only way we can keep from having all these tax/welfare babies to support. No reason someone on welfare needs 8 kids. This is taking away their excuse.
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Health insurance is there for accidents and illnesses. Choosing to take birth control pills is neither. It's a lifestyle choice.

Libs and other whacked out left attempt to point out that unless birth control is free, women will end up pregnant and cost the system a small fortune - not only in maternity costs, but welfare. Last time I checked, condoms were pretty cheap, but I digress.

This amounts to nothing more than blackmail; "I'm going to have unprotected sex and unless you pay for my birth control I'm gonna get pregnant and file for welfare."

But in caving in to this blackmail the only lesson taught is that bad behavior is rewarded. "Life" is a series of consequences for every action. When you take away consequences it only encourages more of said action.

This provision gives women more control then having to rely on a guy wearing a condom. And do you honestly believe that there is someone threatening to get pregnant unless you buy them pills? Give me a break.:D
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It's probably the only way we can keep from having all these tax/welfare babies to support.

Heads up cowboy.

They ain't interested in no stinking birth control, free or otherwise.

Anything that prevents babies cuts in to their gravy train.
Heads up cowboy.

They ain't interested in no stinking birth control, free or otherwise.

Anything that prevents babies cuts in to their gravy train.

But then there's no excuse and we can cut em off if they keep having them anyway while on public assistance. We equip and then hold responsible. IMHO of course:yes:
But then there's no excuse and we can cut em off if they keep having them anyway while on public assistance. We equip and then hold responsible.

I am very close to some folks that work with the welfare crowd. We have created a system that rewards dependence on the government.

A single woman with 4 kids can earn $14k, get all their taxes back plus extra for EIC and collect roughly $60k in tax free benefits including rent support, food stamps, free medical, welfare checks. Why try to improve themselves and give up all that?
I am very close to some folks that work with the welfare crowd. We have created a system that rewards dependence on the government.

A single woman with 4 kids can earn $14k, get all their taxes back plus extra for EIC and collect roughly $60k in tax free benefits including rent support, food stamps, free medical, welfare checks. Why try to improve themselves and give up all that?

My point was that we give them the tools and then refuse to support them if they make the choice not to use them. If you fall on hard times with a kid that's one thing. When you have two more while on welfare, you don't get additional benefits. Providing free contraceptives allows us to make that stipulation.
I am very close to some folks that work with the welfare crowd. We have created a system that rewards dependence on the government.

A single woman with 4 kids can earn $14k, get all their taxes back plus extra for EIC and collect roughly $60k in tax free benefits including rent support, food stamps, free medical, welfare checks. Why try to improve themselves and give up all that?

I've got a friend that franchises day care schools and took one over in a lesser area. The stories she tells about the parents gaming the system are crazy. Example: one person will have 6 kids, another has 2 (all with different daddies), they get the most tax money at 4, so one will just claim 2 of the others as dependents so they've got 4 each, and they split the increased government dole. They've got it down to a science and work it.

I was naive about how bad it was until I got into real estate about 10 years ago and bought some rental property in lower rent areas. Of my section 8 folks, maybe 2 in 10 were legit. I dont know what else we do with these folks, since they've been raised to be incapable of taking care of themselves, but the more we reward the bad behavior, the worse its going to get.

The worst I saw was after Katrina, the culture from Louisiana was flat out unbelievable. I think I helped about 10 families get in somewhere on short notice with short funds thinking I was doing good and not a single one of them left without owing me money and trashing my place.

And now we're hearing ads on the F'n radio about free cell phones and how you too can qualify for food stamps. Its just appalling. UUGGH.

Sorry, got off on a rant, I was reading up on Greece the yesterday and the fact that more people dont get the big picture about what's going on around here is just plain scary.
MD has a 5 year limit on welfare. It can only be extended by showing a hardship such as a disability. Currently, only about 700 MD families are on a welfare extension. After 5 years you get the boot.

What people fail to realize about the birth control piss issue is responsible woman pay for the pill. Irresponsible women wouldn't take the pill if you put in in the palm on their hand with a glass of water.

People are trying to solve my niece. Young, stupid, lazy, depressed, life without hope and couldn't care less about having random sex. Her baby is now 4 months old and she's on welfare.

Now she gets free money, is young, stupid, lazy, and depressed with a kid. Anything solved?
I've got a friend that franchises day care schools and took one over in a lesser area. The stories she tells about the parents gaming the system are crazy

Day care owners are doing the same. A local news story in the last two weeks pointed out that, surprise . . . . , some day care owners are claiming more children enrolled than they actually have. The state (and possibly federal money too) gives day care centers a per capita stipend for low income parents.

If you really want to make your blood boil, you should check out some of the "educational classes" at churches in some sections of the city. Attendee's are taught how to game the system in their favor to get free money.

Hardly a week goes by that someone doesn't go on the Clark Howard site looking for a grant to pay their bills, start a business, etc.

Yeah, the government has unlimited funds to give out money that never needs to be repaid.