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Who Has a Killer Annuity Letter?


New Member
About to kick off my new career, or shall I say, re-boot!

I am looking to use some leads that I have received, but the pre-approach letters seem lame to me.

I want to get appointments and feel confident from there.

Do any of you have an effective letter to gain the customer's interest or pique their interest?

I am looking for 401K rollover to annuity, and CD conversions to annuity.

It doesn't exist. Think about it: If there was such a "magic letter"... then every agent would use it. Then it wouldn't be effective anymore.

Can you imagine any kind of letter that you could receive that would make you know, like, and trust the person that sent it instantly? I can't.

There's a direct marketing concept called "frequency vs. reach".

Which would be more effective?
- Mail one letter to 1,000 people? (reach)
- Mail 10 letters over time to 100 people? (frequency)

Let me tell you a little story about me about 20 years ago. Way back then, I was into network marketing. I answered somebody's ad. Even though after the guy reached out to me (and I told him of my disinterest), he continued to mail something to me every month. No telephone calls... just an article or a cassette tape or something by the end of the first week every month... like clockwork.

After a while, I was wondering why he's doing this? Either he knows what he's doing... or he's making good money so he can waste it on me... or both. After 18 months of continuous mailings, I finally joined this guy with his MLM program way back then. His name was Norm Klootwyk out of Marshalltown, IA. We finally met at a seminar about a year after I got started with him. I don't know if he's still alive or not... but nearly 20 years later, I still remember his name and where he's from.

If you want to build relationships like this that can last... you have to maintain contact and build relationships. It'll take patience, but it works.

That was the only time any kind of marketing every really 'worked' on me, and I actually enjoyed it.
Realtors and mortgage people do that a lot as well. I do that with my BoB.

It doesn't exist. Think about it: If there was such a "magic letter"... then every agent would use it. Then it wouldn't be effective anymore.

Can you imagine any kind of letter that you could receive that would make you know, like, and trust the person that sent it instantly? I can't.

There's a direct marketing concept called "frequency vs. reach".

Which would be more effective?
- Mail one letter to 1,000 people? (reach)
- Mail 10 letters over time to 100 people? (frequency)

Let me tell you a little story about me about 20 years ago. Way back then, I was into network marketing. I answered somebody's ad. Even though after the guy reached out to me (and I told him of my disinterest), he continued to mail something to me every month. No telephone calls... just an article or a cassette tape or something by the end of the first week every month... like clockwork.

After a while, I was wondering why he's doing this? Either he knows what he's doing... or he's making good money so he can waste it on me... or both. After 18 months of continuous mailings, I finally joined this guy with his MLM program way back then. His name was Norm Klootwyk out of Marshalltown, IA. We finally met at a seminar about a year after I got started with him. I don't know if he's still alive or not... but nearly 20 years later, I still remember his name and where he's from.

If you want to build relationships like this that can last... you have to maintain contact and build relationships. It'll take patience, but it works.

That was the only time any kind of marketing every really 'worked' on me, and I actually enjoyed it.
The best letter I have seen for Annuity sales is a quarterly Statement from a mutual fund company in 2009.....

It may very well turn out to be a good strategy for an annual 2014 statement -beginning to end of year balances. The 4th quarter is a shoe waiting to drop.