Who is Lloyd Lofton?

Apologies to Newby - the article has been removed from the site. Certainly not our intention for submitted articles to include anything without proper attribution, and we will look at steps to prevent it from happening in the future.
Apologies to Newby - the article has been removed from the site. Certainly not our intention for submitted articles to include anything without proper attribution, and we will look at steps to prevent it from happening in the future.

Thank you Brian.
I don't know what SIMA is. Did Lloyd Lofton own it?


OK I found it. Just for funnies compare the 4th post in this thread which I posted nearly 10 years ago. Does it resemble Lloyd's questions that he supposedly wrote a few months ago?

I'm not flattered Lloyd.



And here is Lloyd's article: http://ifn.insurance-forums.net/lif...estions-to-ask-your-life-insurance-prospects/

Did you write Stairway to Heaven ?
Any training material, proprietary information, logos, etc., that you feel have value to other agents and clients should be copyright protected. I know you have several websites. Place documents, like the one "lifted" from you, o your websites and add a legal disclosure at the bottom of each page: "Commercial use by others is prohibited by law. This site provides life insurance quotes. Each rate shown is a quote based on information provided by the carrier. No portion of this website may be copied, published, faxed, mailed or distributed in any manner for any purpose without prior written authorization of the owner." This may not keep someone from using it but if you catch them you can nail them for it!:idea:

To be clear, plagiarism is (legally) plagiarism regardless of whether the material is copyrighted.

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I just read an article on this forum by Lloyd Lofton. It's listed as one of the most read featured articles on the forum. The title was something like "Eight great questions to ask your clients when selling life insurance" or something similar. I don't remember exactly.

They were pretty good questions in my opinion. But Lloyd didn't write them. I did. I wrote them off the top of my head around several years ago in a post right on this forum. Lloyd didn't change the questions or even change the order. And he gave no credit to the person who wrote them. He made it look like he wrote them.

I guess they are better than I thought because I've found them on several web sites over the years. But I've never had anyone ballzy enough to post them as their own work on the same website that I originally posted them on. Most thieves at least sneak them off to their own website.

Here they are. You guys be the judge:
Have you ever been responsible for making funeral/cemetery/cremation arrangements when someone died? How did it go for you? Did it create any financial problems?
Who will be responsible for your arrangements upon your death? Is that person financially prepared for such an emergency?
Do you have children/grandchildren/a favorite charity that you would like to leave money to upon your death?
Upon your death, does your spouse have enough savings to protect against the immediate loss or your income?
How much do you expect your funeral expenses to cost if you died today? How much do you think the same arrangements would cost if you lived to be age 80 or 90?
Do you realize your bank accounts and assets are not available to your children immediately upon your death? (Unless you have a joint account, which opens up a whole other set of problems.)
Are you aware there are life insurance policies that can be paid with one single premium? An annual payment? An affordable monthly premium?
Do you have any health conditions that have caused you to be turned down for insurance coverage?
If you don't have a life insurance policy at your passing, what alternative plan will you expect your family to use to pay for the expenses?

No one likes a thief Lloyd. Write your own material.

This is Lloyd Lofton and yes I wrote that. I have 30 years of notes, copies of trainings and other resource material I have collected since starting with John Hancock in 1977, I'm sure I have used material from a lot of smart and great salespeople, you might have been one of them. I don't write down the name of everyone I have learned from. If you wrote those 10 years ago then I give you props for that. I use a lot of things I learn over the years and often share those things from my files. I'm happy to talk to you if you want to reach out to me, maybe we can do an article together.