Why Are Agents Rude....

Exactly, hence why I rarely ever post on here anymore. I read the forum everyday but don't correspond much anymore,,, could care less to deal with the immaturity and drama this forum has.... But at same time there's so much to benefit from reading.

Summer, long time no hear, how are you?
I totally disagree.

There are so many BORING-ASS forums on the 'net, and the reason this one survives as well as it has is because it combines GREAT information as well as GREAT entertainment.

Take the oft discussed Final Expense forum. Where can you find anywhere else on the web a LARGE collection of REAL top gun producers who are killing it, who largely offer advice and information TOTALLY for free?


And combine that with the hilarious antics and virtual fist-fights of members (JD versus Wino, JD versus Petey, John Galt versus THE WORLD), you've got a great combination of real and ACTIONABLE information in combination with the kind of entertainment that keeps people coming back for more.

And I'll call out the "immaturity" and "lack of professionalism" comment specifically related to the Final Expense forum. Most of the perceived rudeness is due a highly fine-tuned BS meter that many of us long-time members and contributors have developed.

We have seen so many come and go, and many who have failed, because of them not taking the advice of agents like John and Travis, that we call out garbage advice and BS on the spot.

This attitude (I'd call it "tough love") creates the perception of the "Good Old Boys Club," but the truth is that anyone with a brain combined with some chutzpah can "join" anytime they want.
No surprise that the guys pimping services in the FE section want more drama to create more clicks. Half the drama makers on the forum are vendors pimping services. Same formula the news now uses... create drama to create more views to create more money.

I have received plenty of tough love in this business... but it can be done professionally if you have half a brain and at least half care about the perception of your industry.

It comes down to what you want to appeal to. Professionals who care about the industry or people who only care about drama?

Yes the FE section has thrived. But it has been at the expense of the rest of the forum.

And there are plenty of other forums that stay active and do not put up with the fighting and bs that this one does.
No surprise that the guys pimping services in the FE section want more drama to create more clicks. Half the drama makers on the forum are vendors pimping services. Same formula the news now uses... create drama to create more views to create more money.

For me personally, I disagree.

If all the drama ceased to exist, I would still get the same level of interest off the Forum.

You can attest to it simply by looking at how I present myself, what information I provide totally for free, and how I've interacted on the forum for nearly 5 years, half of which was prior to when I started my recruitment agency and financially invested in the forum.

Not that I'm offended, but I find it ironic how, on one hand, you show your disgust for unprofessionalism, while you simultaneously categorize my interaction (of which has been 99% professional and not vindictive) on the forum as "pimping" and being so willing to paint with a broad brush.

Do you see where I am coming from above?

I have received plenty of tough love in this business... but it can be done professionally if you have half a brain and at least half care about the perception of your industry.

I agree. I can only account for my own statements, but I have always been respectful to people who ask simple questions and are looking for assistance. I have a larger-than-average ability to empathize relative to my peers, so I take no umbrage with people wanting help who also want to put that help into action.

It comes down to what you want to appeal to. Professionals who care about the industry or people who only care about drama?

It can be both. Look at the Final Expense forum. Where else will you find such a large collection of producers willing to share freely what they know about the business?

Yes the FE section has thrived. But it has been at the expense of the rest of the forum.

And there are plenty of other forums that stay active and do not put up with the fighting and bs that this one does.

What would you like to see different?
I remember being treated pretty rudely by some back before there even was a Final Expense forum. When I first started posting a few remarks about FE the regulars back then would blast you with nuggets like:

- Do you think life insurance is just an IMPULSE buy?
- You want to sell life insurance but you don't even want to boot up a lap top on your appointments?
- If people can't buy a "real" policy they should just put their money in the bank
- REAL agents don't buy leads...they create them. Agents who need leads are just Lead Jockeys and will never make it.
- There was even a long thread where one of the established "real" agents chastised me for calling people "Seniors". I was never going to make it because I was too dumb to know that no one wants to marketed to as a senior.

The internet has always been full of people who are too comfortable being ruder than they really would be in real life. But the good part of that is you learn what they are really thinking and what they are really like. In real life they just put up more of a front.
No surprise that the guys pimping services in the FE section want more drama to create more clicks. Half the drama makers on the forum are vendors pimping services. Same formula the news now uses... create drama to create more views to create more money.

I have received plenty of tough love in this business... but it can be done professionally if you have half a brain and at least half care about the perception of your industry.

It comes down to what you want to appeal to. Professionals who care about the industry or people who only care about drama?

Yes the FE section has thrived. But it has been at the expense of the rest of the forum.

And there are plenty of other forums that stay active and do not put up with the fighting and bs that this one does.
Don't know why it would be "at the expense of the rest of the forum"... If the FE forum is too rough and tumble or not professional enough, then thhey don't have to visit the FE area. They can limit their browsing to the Life Insurance, IUL, Annuity, Employee Benefits forums.
No surprise that the guys pimping services in the FE section want more drama to create more clicks. Half the drama makers on the forum are vendors pimping services. Same formula the news now uses... create drama to create more views to create more money.

I have received plenty of tough love in this business... but it can be done professionally if you have half a brain and at least half care about the perception of your industry.

It comes down to what you want to appeal to. Professionals who care about the industry or people who only care about drama?

Yes the FE section has thrived. But it has been at the expense of the rest of the forum.

And there are plenty of other forums that stay active and do not put up with the fighting and bs that this one does.

Ill take that comment as a "pimp" as a compliment cause "pimping aint easy baby" but Ill have you know I was a rabid poster long long before I ever even thought about offering leads...and then it just grew organically.


I totally disagree.

There are so many BORING-ASS forums on the 'net, and the reason this one survives as well as it has is because it combines GREAT information as well as GREAT entertainment.

Take the oft discussed Final Expense forum. Where can you find anywhere else on the web a LARGE collection of REAL top gun producers who are killing it, who largely offer advice and information TOTALLY for free?


And combine that with the hilarious antics and virtual fist-fights of members (JD versus Wino, JD versus Petey, John Galt versus THE WORLD), you've got a great combination of real and ACTIONABLE information in combination with the kind of entertainment that keeps people coming back for more.

And I'll call out the "immaturity" and "lack of professionalism" comment specifically related to the Final Expense forum. Most of the perceived rudeness is due a highly fine-tuned BS meter that many of us long-time members and contributors have developed.

We have seen so many come and go, and many who have failed, because of them not taking the advice of agents like John and Travis, that we call out garbage advice and BS on the spot.

This attitude (I'd call it "tough love") creates the perception of the "Good Old Boys Club," but the truth is that anyone with a brain combined with some chutzpah can "join" anytime they want.

Dude, Im honored.....Ive tried the olive branch, doesnt work in the FE forum :D
Don't know why it would be "at the expense of the rest of the forum"... If the FE forum is too rough and tumble or not professional enough, then thhey don't have to visit the FE area. They can limit their browsing to the Life Insurance, IUL, Annuity, Employee Benefits forums.

My point is that the same mentality has trickled out into other areas, especially the life forum. And when us traditional life guys post on FE forums we are told to F**K off and to "stay in our own forums". I once made a comment about how aged leads can be very lucrative with term insurance... and it resulted in multiple profanity laced PMs and emails...

If FE agents are "proud" of the conduct and lack of professionalism in the FE forum then it is a sad day for the life insurance industry.
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