For the record, you are confirming that your are justifying your unprofessional comment of relating my promotional activities on the sordid level of a "pimp."
Is that the type of language I should expect from a self-described professional bemoaning the negative behaviors of a select few forum members?
Please describe to me how that is not an example of hypocrisy. Again, I am not intending to personally attack you. I just don't understand how you can claim professionalism when you are lumping me, an otherwise observer of said unprofessional actions in the forum, as on the level of a "pimp," as such vitriol is not what one would expect from a professional.
Lots of unfounded hypotheses and assumptions, none of which you can prove nor can I prove, either.
All I know is that the Forum is indexed based on search-engine terms that relate to highly-visited content relevant to the purpose of the forum, which is to expand a knowledge base of final expense sales related content.
That's what drives people in in the first place. And like all social groups (as the Final Expense forum is one), they develop their own social mores.
While I am certainly do not embrace much of the virtual fistfights that occur, many of what is commonly thought of as "immature" or "negative," needs to be inspected for further review, and much of it is more like "tough love."
Nevertheless, I can only attest for my interaction, and I believe a positive, transparent, and non-negative interaction with members and future members is the most pleasant (and profitable) course of action for myself.
If you are alleging guilt by association, then most certainly every time you log into the forum and read the comments from people you scorn for their bad behavior puts you on the exact level I'm at.
Your allegation is baseless. But once you cancel your Insurance Forum account and agree to never again visit the site, I will take your claim seriously.
I will admit there have been some occurrences that have crossed the line where "tough love" could have been handled much better and with more professionalism in the Final Expense forum.
We really need the Fight Club back and in full force.
Have to say I have not see many posts in the FE forum that are more vitriolic than what has been posted in this thread.