Why are most insurance agents politically conservative?

Which side of the political spectrum do you lean towards?

  • Far right (Ultra conservative)

  • Mid right (Conservative)

  • Centrist (Maybe a little left or right but mostly centered)

  • Mid left (Liberal)

  • Far left (Ultra Liberal)

Results are only viewable after voting.
Typically, "fiscally conservative, socially liberal" has meant someone who is wary of gov't debt and spending and also wary of the government restricting access to voting rights, abortion, etc.

Okay, it takes a lot of $$ to do these things, it seems like a contradiction to say that you're for all the items that you listed, but not provide the money to pay for it. I don't see how that can work.
If we were a purely capitalist society, our food would be more poisoned than it already is, most of the rivers would be so polluted that you wouldn't want to take a boat out, there would be so much toxic waste in the ground in every industrial town that they would be barely habitable,
It takes money to ensure that these things don't happen. That's just part of it, without the social welfare programs, homelessness and destitute numbers would increase substantially.

btw, I meant you in the general sense, not you personally
I'm glad so many of you have decided to participate in my study. I think it's clear that most agents are conservative based on the massive quantity of data we have gathered thus far. We're at 20 votes, an unprecedented number for Insurance-Forums.com history.

To ensure the data is correctly tallied, based on my own subjective views, the centrist votes will be counted conservative because they were too conservative to say they were liberal. I think this is only fair considering it's my poll & study. I want to say that I don't make the rules, but I entirely did create the rules for this particular thread.

We can therefore conclude that 80% of insurance agents are conservative. If you try to deny this fact, I will point to this study. If you dispute the results, you are a fact-denier who is questioning the integrity of the entire insurance industry.
I think this is only fair considering it's my poll & study. I want to say that I don't make the rules, but I entirely did create the rules for this particular thread.

We can therefore conclude that 80% of insurance agents are conservative. If you try to deny this fact, I will point to this study. If you dispute the results, you are a fact-denier who is questioning the integrity of the entire insurance industry.

You weren't kidding, you really are a Millennial.

As a Boomer I apologize.
Not really, we don't care.
I want to say that I don't make the rules, but I entirely did create the rules for this particular thread.

Clearly a salesman.

We can therefore conclude that 80% of insurance agents are conservative. If you try to deny this fact, I will point to this study. If you dispute the results, you are a fact-denier who is questioning the integrity of the entire insurance industry.

A born politician.
If someone says they're socially liberal (US version), and fiscally conservative, I'm not sure what that means, or what they think it means. The only way to encourage, and adopt socially liberal programs is through massive quantities of money, which takes tax revenue.

I dunno, I'm all for decriminalizing drugs and legalizing gay marriage, both of which will cost nothing, or more than likely create revenue.
I love seeing more women of any color in the business. I am not a feminist,....I lean more conservative/libertarian. Not a fan of partisan labels but I may consider myself a Ron Paul Republican. So called liberals are not very liberal anymore....more authoritarian.
62 yr old Black male conservative here. I don't like big government, Obamacare is a perfect example of a costly train wreck. Both sides are mostly smart crooks. Dem's are no longer what they used to be and are now the new communist destroying what was once a great America. I'm no fan of the Repup's who don't have any backbone and can never work together. Clearly we have a mess and it want get any better unless this nation does a reset, and turn back to Godly values.
62 yr old Black male conservative here. I don't like big government, Obamacare is a perfect example of a costly train wreck. Both sides are mostly smart crooks. Dem's are no longer what they used to be and are now the new communist destroying what was once a great America. I'm no fan of the Repup's who don't have any backbone and can never work together. Clearly we have a mess and it want get any better unless this nation does a reset, and turn back to Godly values.
A good third party and maybe 4th party wouldn’t hurt.
A good third party and maybe 4th party wouldn’t hurt.

@goillini52 says the more partying the better.
