Why are most insurance agents politically conservative?

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  • Mid right (Conservative)

  • Centrist (Maybe a little left or right but mostly centered)

  • Mid left (Liberal)

  • Far left (Ultra Liberal)

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62 yr old Black male conservative here. I don't like big government, Obamacare is a perfect example of a costly train wreck. Both sides are mostly smart crooks. Dem's are no longer what they used to be and are now the new communist destroying what was once a great America. I'm no fan of the Repup's who don't have any backbone and can never work together. Clearly we have a mess and it want get any better unless this nation does a reset, and turn back to Godly values.

C'mon man I'm not America bashing but history is what it is. Let me say most people are good people but allow bad people be in a position of implied authority the God factor is out the window.

It may not mean most are conservatives, but rather that conservatives tend to feel more of a need to express themselves in forums. Underdog syndrome perhaps?
Honestly, I don't care about most culture issues.

Freedom is freedom, even if it isn't for me.

If a biological male is more comfortable in their existence identifying as a female, that's their life... sports is literally the only thing that is a differentiator here, and the only reason that matters is the amount of money (from professionals to colleges) that sloshes around.

Take the money out of sports and it's just a game.

I don't care about abortions, because I recognize that getting an abortion is not just something most people do as an impulse. The weight of that decision is heavy and you have to deal with it for the rest of your life.

It's not my job to tell someone else how their body should be directed when another entity is biologically dependent on their existence how they address that.

When a child can sustain life on their own, meaning completing biological functions without assistance of another person's body, then that's a reasonable discussion... but forcing people into poverty or lifetime health or trauma because they got pregnant isn't anyone's choice except for the person it causes hardship to.

Illegal immigration is a problem only because it's illegal. However, the immigration process in America is the worst. It's vague and counterproductive. Please, bring immigrants in to work in migrant farming and give them basic human rights... which they don't have.

Most of the issues in this country really boil down to a lot of people minding their own damn business and treating people with basic human decency... even if they don't like what's going on.

The real truth is there's literally no real difference between the left and right. They're the same coin, just different sides. It's why the actual running of the country doesn't change depending on what party is in control.

They all treat us like marks to pull money from and to give them power, and they take advantage every opportunity by dividing us so they can be in control.

Anyone that honest thinks things will be better only if "their side" is in charge is a mark.
Honestly, I don't care about most culture issues.

Freedom is freedom, even if it isn't for me.

If a biological male is more comfortable in their existence identifying as a female, that's their life... sports is literally the only thing that is a differentiator here, and the only reason that matters is the amount of money (from professionals to colleges) that sloshes around.

Take the money out of sports and it's just a game.

I don't care about abortions, because I recognize that getting an abortion is not just something most people do as an impulse. The weight of that decision is heavy and you have to deal with it for the rest of your life.

It's not my job to tell someone else how their body should be directed when another entity is biologically dependent on their existence how they address that.

When a child can sustain life on their own, meaning completing biological functions without assistance of another person's body, then that's a reasonable discussion... but forcing people into poverty or lifetime health or trauma because they got pregnant isn't anyone's choice except for the person it causes hardship to.

Illegal immigration is a problem only because it's illegal. However, the immigration process in America is the worst. It's vague and counterproductive. Please, bring immigrants in to work in migrant farming and give them basic human rights... which they don't have.

Most of the issues in this country really boil down to a lot of people minding their own damn business and treating people with basic human decency... even if they don't like what's going on.

The real truth is there's literally no real difference between the left and right. They're the same coin, just different sides. It's why the actual running of the country doesn't change depending on what party is in control.

They all treat us like marks to pull money from and to give them power, and they take advantage every opportunity by dividing us so they can be in control.

Anyone that honest thinks things will be better only if "their side" is in charge is a mark.

We are pretty close on all of these points. Real close on some.

One exception for me is "Please, bring immigrants in to work in migrant farming". The hundreds of thousands of young illegals are not coming here to pick tomatoes and change nursing home residents Depends. Yes, they are definitely coming here to work and will probably start out in labor fields. However, it won't be in the fields. It will be in the trades to start. A lot of start up small businesses. A lot of cash run business. Hell, Union members are going to be hiring them to build their fences and reroof their houses, for cash.
I think this is obvious, but I'm curious about your thoughts. What are your reasons for being conservative? If you're not conservative, tell me about that experience in the industry.

I'm just one of those guys that likes being right most of the time, even if everyone else is wrong... hence my stance. :laugh:

Tongue in check there...

My faith drives my life, and that includes my politics. Just that simple. :yes:

And though I may disagree, sometimes sharply, with someone... that person is never less of a person than me. As my daddy used to say, "Everyone puts their pants on the same way, one leg at a time." And my other Father says, "love others as you would yourself."

Now don't get me wrong, I love myself... but I don't always agree with me. :laugh:
It may not mean most are conservatives, but rather that conservatives tend to feel more of a need to express themselves in forums. Underdog syndrome perhaps?

As the thread dictator, I have some bad news

We can therefore conclude that 80% of insurance agents are conservative. If you try to deny this fact, I will point to this study. If you dispute the results, you are a fact-denier who is questioning the integrity of the entire insurance industry.

Why are you bringing the integrity of the entire insurance industry into question?
And my other Father says, "love others as you would yourself
He also said that we need to turn the other cheek ... I always have trouble with that one.

My interpretation has always been to hit them so hard that their left cheek almost comes out of the right one. I know I'm getting it wrong but it sure feels good at the time.