- 990
Last time I had this discussion with a carrier they admitted they only make offers on about 30% of those who apply direct, about half are not taken and the balance fall off the books within 6 months.
Had two calls today that tie into this "direct" deal.
Hey Dave, we spoke a month or so ago ...
Turns out she applied direct with UHC but was turned down for substance abuse. A lot of the time these direct people have something to hide or they think they know it all and of course that type has to learn things the hard way.
I'm not surprised at those numbers. Same thing with Ehealth biz. F** at Humana told me long ago that they don't like the Ehealth biz ... no doubt for the same reasons.
This one kills.
Conversation starts out with her irritable and saying that she wants BC because that's what she had as a group plan with her so to be former employer. Turns out she had phoned Humana directly and the rep. tried to convince her that she did not need a plan with r/x coverage and that the plan for 400 per mo. without was the same type he and his wife had ...
Punkass didn't realize that this lady's son had lost a kidney and was using 3500 per mo. in r/x ... I proceeded to go over a couple of plans with her. one at 650 per mo. and the other at 930. Don't believe
I'd go too far in saying
a foundation for good relations
is being laid.