Why Do So Many Agents Want to Sell Final Expense?

No offense intended. I just have to keep you on your toes to live up to your potential, Sportsnut! I am a fan of yours and know you are more erudite than your ocassional lapses in spelling would indicate. Once in a while I can even catch Moonlight & Margaritas, but there are some posters I don't bother with because it is useless and hopeless. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

BTW, I don't mean you, Chumps, because you use spellcheck and other marvelous technology for composing pristine prose.:yes::yes::yes:


I realize that precision is within every atom of your being, so I thought that I would point out that you hadn't capitalized my last name... it is SportsNut. Thank you.

OMG, I sincerely apologize!!! I will have to say that you threw me a curve inasmuch as I thought SportsNut was your full first name and not both your first and last name. If the latter is the case, shouldn't there be a space between Sports and Nut?:goofy::goofy::goofy:
OMG, I sincerely apologize!!! I will have to say that you threw me a curve inasmuch as I thought SportsNut was your full first name and not both your first and last name. If the latter is the case, shouldn't there be a space between Sports and Nut?:goofy::goofy::goofy:

As the story goes... when they filled out the Birth Cert at the time of my birth, the space bar was broken on the old hunt and peck typewriter... so it has always been SportsNut... (no space). And as Chumps says, that is my story and I am sticking to it.

And I re-answered it a couple of posts later...much cheaper!

Yep, you sure did TRK.....

Here is the problem... not with the quote you provided or the one that I provided... the problem is that the OP who started this whole thread was trashing those that sell FE... Of course doing so w/o having any clue about the product... His premise was that FE agents are taking a short cut in selling FE when a fully u/w product would serve the client much better... Of course this isn't true, but when ya don't know what you don't know, you tend to under think the problem.

So I simply posted the 83 yo male smoker and suggested that the OP run his fully u/w quote but at a tble 6 or 8... and let me know what kind of rate he came up with... if in fact they could even get the policy issued at all. My guess is no, since most of these cos not in FE aren't going to accept the risk unless they do a lot of it.

Soooo, the OP has yet to respond... he did the hit and run, getting the thread stirred up, and has vanished. Maybe he has learned some of what he didn't knwo or maybe just realized he was in over his head... one or the other. Hopefully this makes the repsonse make a little bit more sense...
retread, proudly offer them! go out there and write them! oh, and we are not always taliking about "low income folks" who buy FE. Most are retired folks who worked all their lives and have a nest egg saved up... I doubt most have a 3.5 mil estate, but most are not low income, either. I would say that most fall inbetween those two benchmarks- the "low income" and the wealthy. Somewhere inbetween those two- is where we are at- when writing final expense.

Home...I truly am not trying to constantly battle you on this "final expense" issue but again you are totally off base. "Final Expense" clients 99% of the time have no nest egg and are buying a small face whole life policy vs. having their families pass the hat at the funeral.

That is a fact and any agent in here that actually works that market will back that up.
Nobody that has any estate worth mentioning would pay for a final expense policy outside of a funeral home. There are cases where people will buy the policy in a funeral home as part of their planning. People who buy FE outside of this are low income individuals who do not have any $ to be buried. They are desperate and know they are going to die soon and don't want to 1) leave their family with the bill or 2) as a client of an agent on this board once said to me" I don't want them to throw me in the river". Why in the heck would someone with any type of an estate pay for final expense when they could easily pay for it themselves? I am sure there are a rare few that do but for the most part; that is not the case.