Nobody that has any estate worth mentioning would pay for a final expense policy outside of a funeral home. There are cases where people will buy the policy in a funeral home as part of their planning. People who buy FE outside of this are low income individuals who do not have any $ to be buried. They are desperate and know they are going to die soon and don't want to 1) leave their family with the bill or 2) as a client of an agent on this board once said to me" I don't want them to throw me in the river". Why in the heck would someone with any type of an estate pay for final expense when they could easily pay for it themselves? I am sure there are a rare few that do but for the most part; that is not the case.
I think you have the finger on the issue. It is also what, IMHO, is what is so hard to get by in LTCi sales. For LTCi, the client has to have means to keep up the premium payments. This rules out lower middle class, because at the first hiccup, goodbye to that expense. Those with assets to protect don't want to be at the mercy of the state nursing homes and will spend whatever it takes to ensure that. But the lower the income, the less likely the LTCi sale. FE, on the other hand is exactly the opposite.