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Why New Agents Fail?

Selling something like insurance products is very tough as there are many insurance providers and thousands of insurance products and competition is too high.

How do you figure? The number of insurance agents has steadily declined and the population has increased. There are also far fewer life insurance companies than there were 50 years ago.
It is tough and there is a lot of competition, but those are hallmarks of worthwhile goals.

On the other hand we're not talking about a goal of being heavyweight champion. We only have one of those at a time. Conversely, thousands of people are enjoying success in the insurance business right now.

Why not you?

Develop a "Why not me?" attitude. You may have to pretend at first, but do what you would do if you believed you could make it, until you do and you do.

I coach a 6th grade rec basketball team. We have one kid who will probably make the high school team with or without my coaching. We have two kids who really struggle. (I will consider it a victory if either of those kids scores two points during the season. Literally. In fact it is a goal that I have written down for those kids.) We have another seven, including my son, who are solidly in the middle. I know that any one of the kids in the middle could make the high school team if they really wanted to and put forth consistent effort in the gym. And yes, it would be tough and there is a lot of competition for the dozen spots on the team.

Last week I asked the team if they wanted to know how to structure a workout that they can do on their own. One hand went up.

(I'd like to think two hands would have gone up if my son didn't already know the answer, but maybe not.) I'm sure you can guess out which kid wanted to know how to get better.

In a way you are raising your had by being on the forum. Take the next step. Act as if you believe. Take some of the advice you read here.

If you do enough pushups, whether or not you believe that you can ever get stronger, you will get stronger. Your belief will come when you notice that you can do more pushups. And you'll do even more pushups if being stronger is still your goal.

What if he can only do a couple of push ups?

Just messin' with you Alston...good post.:yes:
Selling something like insurance products is very tough as there are many insurance providers and thousands of insurance products and competition is too high.

It is tough and there is a lot of competition, but those are hallmarks of worthwhile goals.

On the other hand we're not talking about a goal of being heavyweight champion. We only have one of those at a time. Conversely, thousands of people are enjoying success in the insurance business right now.

Why not you?

Develop a "Why not me?" attitude. You may have to pretend at first, but do what you would do if you believed you could make it, until you do and you do.

I coach a 6th grade rec basketball team. We have one kid who will probably make the high school team with or without my coaching. We have two kids who really struggle. (I will consider it a victory if either of those kids scores two points during the season. Literally. In fact it is a goal that I have written down for those kids.) We have another seven, including my son, who are solidly in the middle. I know that any one of the kids in the middle could make the high school team if they really wanted to and put forth consistent effort in the gym. And yes, it would be tough and there is a lot of competition for the dozen spots on the team.

Last week I asked the team if they wanted to know how to structure a workout that they can do on their own. One hand went up.

I'm sure you can guess out which kid wanted to know how to get better.

(I'd like to think two hands would have gone up if my son didn't already know the answer, but maybe not.)

In a way you are raising your had by being on the forum. Take the next step. Act as if you believe. Take some of the advice you read here.

If you do enough pushups, whether or not you believe that you can ever get stronger, you will get stronger. Your belief will come when you notice that you can do more pushups. And you'll do even more pushups if being stronger is still your goal.


What if he can only do a couple of push ups?

Just messin' with you Alston...good post.:yes:

Then he will feel like a million bucks when he gets to twelve.

If he can already do fifty, getting to sixty won't change his belief system.
I don't think they fail because they can't sell. (Maybe some, but how many people get into the business without knowing if they can sell?)

I think people fail for 2 reasons:

#1: they get into this biz not knowing how hard it is. Some recruiter has told them they can make $100K the first year just calling people. Or they see those of us on the other side playing golf 2 or 3 times a week. (Not me, but that's because I am at my kids tennis tourneys at 1pm on a Tuesday) It takes 3 years to make this work. If someone is telling you it takes less than that, its a lie.

#2 reason is that there is no plan/budget. What are you going to sell? How many policies do you need to sell in a month? Do you have the cash flow to wait on underwriting? How are you going to get in front of people? What's your method of customer follow-up?

Tampa had a great point: He can sell, but has never done lead generation. If he can figure out how to get in front of people, then he will do great. If he doesn't have a plan to generate leads, it's not going to work.
It is tough and there is a lot of competition, but those are hallmarks of worthwhile goals.

I'm sure you can guess out which kid wanted to know how to get better.
Thanks for motivational post. Which kid's hand went up?


I don't think they fail because they can't sell. (Maybe some, but how many people get into the business without knowing if they can sell?)

I think people fail for 2 reasons:

#1: they get into this biz not knowing how hard it is. Some recruiter has told them they can make $100K the first year just calling people. Or they see those of us on the other side playing golf 2 or 3 times a week. (Not me, but that's because I am at my kids tennis tourneys at 1pm on a Tuesday) It takes 3 years to make this work. If someone is telling you it takes less than that, its a lie.

#2 reason is that there is no plan/budget. What are you going to sell? How many policies do you need to sell in a month? Do you have the cash flow to wait on underwriting? How are you going to get in front of people? What's your method of customer follow-up?

Tampa had a great point: He can sell, but has never done lead generation. If he can figure out how to get in front of people, then he will do great. If he doesn't have a plan to generate leads, it's not going to work.

Thanks for the post. #2 cash flow should be ok.

worried about the being able to find people to get in front of. Once I'm in front being able to close the deal.

Appreciate the 3 year time frame advice. I've gotten much more patient/realistic how long things take as I've gotten older.
LOL. I'm sure that was rhetorical, but I'll spell it out:

The kid who is already one of the top five in the league.

Here I was hoping it was going to be the underdog that might only get one basket!

I was an assistant wrestling coach. very successful program with lots of assistant coaches so I was pretty much able to spend time working with whichever kids I wanted. 8 yr olds. One of the kids was horrible wrestler. His attitude was awesome. He was sooo close to winning his last match.
Here I was hoping it was going to be the underdog that might only get one basket!

I was an assistant wrestling coach. very successful program with lots of assistant coaches so I was pretty much able to spend time working with whichever kids I wanted. 8 yr olds. One of the kids was horrible wrestler. His attitude was awesome. He was sooo close to winning his last match.

I was mainly hoping to get more than one hand, but I guess I overestimated my ability to sell to 11 year-olds.

I hope that your wrestler realized that hard work leads to progress and progress eventually turns into winning.

With his attitude I'll bet he's very good at something.
At least a third of the stuff in that video is stuff I've never done and/or stuff I don't want to do. For example, I think I spent one or two days door knocking in my 31 years of being an agent.

I'm not saying it is wrong or that it won't work or doesn't work for a lot of agents or wouldn't work for me if I gave it a chance. I'm definitely not saying that.

I'm just saying that there is more than one road to success.