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Will Exchanges Be Delayed Too?

From AC's link above, I thought this was telling.

Velasquez said each state exchange will have a different name, and she expects identity thieves will use websites posing as legitimate portals and phishing emails that may look like official government enrollment messages in order to trick people into providing their personal information.
"This is going to be a situation where consumers feel compelled to respond to emails because of the law," she said, alluding to the Obamacare individual mandate requiring people to obtain insurance.
Velasquez points out that years after Congress required the credit reporting industry to provide consumers with free credit reports through the site annualcreditreport.com, many Americans still wind up on copycat sites, which are actually aimed at selling them subscriptions for the service which they are entitled to for free.

I guess it's a good thing we don't know any agents with domains that sound official. Wouldn't want the Ocare police raiding their homes looking for fake Ocare policies or personal financial information.
Duaine, perfect outline for a girlfriend-robot, lol.

Somarco, the cool thing to do is pretend you're an exchange: nyhealthalliance Headline reads "New York's Health Insurance Exchange" (Not identity thieves, legitimate brokerage posing as the exchange. They have been for years.)

I'm sure less legitimate ones are out there. "Fill this out for your Obamacare options!", and half the people won't even question it.
Shopping for insurance will be like booking a ticket on Expedia. If that's the case, watch out below........the stock EXPE is down 22% after hours.
Just an FYI... Insurers and E-Health are formally requesting that HHS grant a 1 or 2 year "grace period", and not enforce penalties if things don't go exactly as HHS wants, with regards to health insurer's Exchange executions.

Story: Insurers Ask HHS for Grace Period To Comply With Marketplace Regulation | Bloomberg BNA

HHS can and does grant itself all kinds of grace periods and delays. Will they be this "compassionate" to insurers?

But, then they wouldn't get the penalties. Without penalties, they can't operate.

Are carriers trying to de-fund PPACA!?
If HHS announces that the Exchange launch date is delayed, you just know that they will blame any entity outside of the government.
Lookie what I found!
Updated CMS Agent Test - Choose All That Apply.

Q: We're delaying launch of the Exchanges due to the following reason(s):

1. To give Insurance Companies more time.
2. To give Navigators more time to train.
3. To give State Exchanges more time.
4. To give Your Government more time.
5. To avoid siphoning resources from impending Syrian war.
6. All of the Above
7. Some of the Above except for 2.
8. None of the Above

CORRECT! You chose 1,2,3. Great job Mr. Gullible! :D
