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Will Exchanges Be Delayed Too?

If HHS announces that the Exchange launch date is delayed, you just know that they will blame any entity outside of the government.
Lookie what I found!
Updated CMS Agent Test - Choose All That Apply.

Q: We're delaying launch of the Exchanges due to the following reason(s):

1. To give Insurance Companies more time.
2. To give Navigators more time to train.
3. To give State Exchanges more time.
4. To give Your Government more time.
5. To avoid siphoning resources from impending Syrian war.
6. All of the Above
7. Some of the Above except for 2.
8. None of the Above

CORRECT! You chose 1,2,3. Great job Mr. Gullible! :D


Reuters says PPACA plan deadline delayed | BenefitsPro
And the White House, States and Exchanges are now saying that October 1st isn't the real launch date. It's just the beginning of "Beta Testing" for those who are willing to be guinea pigs and help shake out the bugs.

Article: Why the Oct. 1 exchange enrollment date doesn't matter - FierceHealthPayer

Maybe this is an accurate assessment since the initial enrollment period runs for a full half-year. Subsequent open enrollments will only run from October 15th thru December 7th.

Maybe lady luck will smile on some of the early adopters with mistakes made in their favor. (Ex. Govt paying 100% of the premium until the glitch is corrected.)
September 11, 2013:

The Government's DATA HUB has been tested and is ready for action on October 1st.

The CMS says its Data Services Hub, a critical computer system that will be used by health insurance exchanges in every state to verify eligibility for exchange plan enrollment and subsidies, is tested and ready to go. But some experts still expect kinks that will have to be worked out.

“After over two years of work, it is built and ready for operation, and we have completed security testing and certification to operate,” U.S. Chief Technology Officer Todd Park said in a prepared statement.

Fully Story: http://www.modernhealthcare.com/art...s-says-key-insurance-exchange-system-is-ready#

Hot Diggity Dog!............

September 11, 2013:

The Government's DATA HUB has been tested and is ready for action on October 1st.

The CMS says its Data Services Hub, a critical computer system that will be used by health insurance exchanges in every state to verify eligibility for exchange plan enrollment and subsidies, is tested and ready to go. But some experts still expect kinks that will have to be worked out.

“After over two years of work, it is built and ready for operation, and we have completed security testing and certification to operate,” U.S. Chief Technology Officer Todd Park said in a prepared statement.

Fully Story: http://www.modernhealthcare.com/art...s-says-key-insurance-exchange-system-is-ready#

While we're on the subject of delays, here's a first: Colorado will not be able to ascertain subsidy qualification online for the first 30 days of Exchange operation. Instead, the applicant must call a number and an assistant will work with them.

Story: Colorado’s Insurance Exchange Opening Tuesday « CBS Denver

Since subsidy qualification takes over 30 minutes per person (according to CMS), applicants will probably be greeted with nothing but busy signals for the first few days...or longer.
The Budget bill passed by the House on Sat 9/28 and sent to the Senate is one that insurers are praying will get vetoed. While it delays the Exchanges and the Individual Mandate for one year, everything else stays in place. This includes the mandatory acceptance by insurers of all who apply, with no riders, rate-ups, etc..
Carriers are betting on the come as it is, but I doubt the mandate, or lack thereof, will dramatically change anything. Those who NEED insurance will find a way to buy it regardless of the mandate. The first year penalty is so small those who don't want coverage won't be frightened into buying over a $95 penalty.

Delaying the exchanges is another issue since the only way to get the subsidy is to buy on the exchange or direct from the carrier.

Exchanges have been heavily promoted but not the buy direct option. If exchanges are delayed the balloon will be deflated.

Obama wants the mandate and exchanges in order to get as many as possible in another grand scheme entitlement.
Have you had heard any news on what Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia commissions will be for individual and small group?

I know there is a broker forum scheduled for one hour from now I hope they give the information there.