Will Your Doctor Drug Test You Without Your Permission??

WASHINGTON — The White House is putting more resources into drug prevention and treatment, part of President Barack Obama's pledge to treat illegal drug use more as a public health issue than a criminal justice problem.
The new drug control strategy to be released Tuesday boosts community-based anti-drug programs, encourages health care providers to screen for drug problems before addiction sets in and expands treatment beyond specialty centers to mainstream health care facilities.
Actually this is not good at all, less people will see a doctor for a fear that the doctor is going to snitch to "The Man"..
People should feel comfortable talking to their doctor about these things. Now, it's a different matter all together if they forward the information to the government. It's one of those things you'll thank your doctor for if they catch it early and help you. It should NOT be shared with the governement or anyone else.
Not to mention the precedent that would be created. Can you imagine your Dr being required to forward any negatory health issue to the goverment so that they may decide to withhold treatment someday.
I read the article....

What a joke...

The only thing that is going to help kids who use drugs, is to have some parents who aren't crackheads too or some parents who are fit to be parents.

But it doesn't matter who is president because this country's ass is grass, no one believes in right and wrong......Can I short the USA?