Wordpress or Xhtml/css


100+ Post Club
Are you using wordpress to build your website or xhtml/css for your insurance agency website?

Is there a different in advantages one can achieve with the way the site is built?
Wordpress is a content management system that started out as a blogging tool but which has morphed into a product used for non-blog sites as well. It is easy to install and easy to bring up a website rather quickly. There are a zillion "themes" some paid some free. I use Wordpress on all my sites.

xhtml is a markup language. You use it, in conjunction with .css to build a website from scratch (most of the time.) You have to know what you are doing to do this.

I think WP is ugly, but serviceable. If you want a truly outstanding site you probably want to construct it differently.

Here is the analogy I like to make.

Wordpress is a pre-fab double-wide house. It comes on two trucks and you "install" it on your empty lot and then customize it... paint, nice floors, maybe a deck, etc. You don't need many tools to do it. It also comes with all the plumbing and wiring built in so all you have to do is hook it up to the water line and the power line and that's that. It's going to look like other houses of the same type, but it will keeps the rain off your head!

xhtml and css is a huge pile of wood and nails and shingles and bolts and screws that you use other tools... hammers, saws, drills, etc. (i.e. an editor like Dreamweaver) to build your house according to some plan (often in your head) of how it should look and work. It's all custom. You also have to do your own plumbing and wiring and need different materials (i.e PHP or ASP or Java) other than wood and nails... obviously pipes and wire that don't come with the initial delivery of the wood and nails, etc.

Hope this helps.

I am at this site.
That is a good question.

When I started building websites in the past, I used xhtml/css. The reason for this was because at the time it was more SEO friendly and was lightweight(Webpage loads faster).

In more recent years content management systems like wordpress have become much more flexible and SEO friendly. Also, I am not very talanted when it comes to web graphics and nice themes are avaliable with great built in graphics.

However, I have heard that content management systems like wordpress can "slow down" your website due to the large amount of code involved.

I am using Wordpress for all my websites now.
Here is the analogy I like to make.

Wordpress is a pre-fab double-wide house. It comes on two trucks and you "install" it on your empty lot and then customize it... paint, nice floors, maybe a deck, etc. You don't need many tools to do it. It also comes with all the plumbing and wiring built in so all you have to do is hook it up to the water line and the power line and that's that. It's going to look like other houses of the same type, but it will keeps the rain off your head!

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I like Als analogy.

I believe the best sites are generally built in xhtml/css/php/java, because they tend to have less overhead and be a little faster than wordpress.

Wordpress is a phenomenal blog platform though, and works great as a way to feed posts into the site and exist as a backend blog, and if you do it right it can look exactly like the rest of the site. Just takes time to customize the CSS inside wordpress to make it look like everything else.
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To explain why wordpress is slower.

When someone types in your url, they send a header request to the server.

With xhtml, it parses the code if it includes php, and sends the requested code, they then request the css, it sends, etc. Each time a script is requested it parses the script, sends, etc till page loads.

With wordpress, it parses the code, requests the database open, requests the database tables needed, adds them to the code, starts sending, then they request css and it parses, etc.

Wordpress adds that extra layer of request where it has to ask for database tables. The MySql db on a lot of servers is shared by tons of people, and requests can cause a great deal of slowdown. Most servers are capped at 151 connections, there can be sleeping connections and poorly coded ones that cause other issues. It adds load to the harddrive.

Depending on your server speed, and in this case the harddrive becomes the bottleneck, it can cause significant load speed differences.

For static webpages that don't need to be changed a lot, its a no brainer, you use xhtml.

For pages that need frequent changes, its also a no brainer. You use wordpress for the content management system.

Even for 100% cms desired sites that want to base in wordpress entirely, I would still recommend 1 page of xhtml as the landing page of the site, or look into the multiple plugins for wordpress that generate the static html of the pages.

Also, there is a good plugin for wordpress called all-in-one seo, that allows you to fine tune portions of the code in the pages, which does help, but wordpress does somewhat make fine tuning of the site harder to manage in general.
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Hmm.. Interesting, thank you all for your comments. I used to build website way back in the day with HTML. So i do know some basic HTML so I'm at an advantage when customizing and building. Wordpress, I hear it's very user friendly but it'll take me a while to learn and get used to.

I guess for agency website it should be mostly static pages unless I do a lot of blogging and dynamic content to update regularly. I plan on setting it up and forgetting about it. Won't be blogging regularly, so I guess XHTML CSS is the way to go for me.

Also anyone know seo tips for XHTML/CSS? I should have proper meta tags for each page and a XML site map for google right? I didn't do or learn any of this way back when internet came to existence.

title tag on each page, use keywords, 80-120 characters

h1 tag on each page, same thing, no more than 1 h1 per page

3% keyword density each page

sitemap and other stuff not terribly important.

em and strong keywords, dont use tables

canonical meta, location meta.

Do that stuff, and you're ahead of most of the internet.
Most of my sites use both. I like to put my questionnaires on a regular xHTML page, but even though I'm comfortable creating new pages, there is no easier, faster way to put up new content than creating a WP post.

I usually put WP on a subdomain. This has its disadvantages. Some of the plug-ins don't work or need to be updated manually when they are on subdomains.
Hmmm. I wish I knew Wordpress. I can't quite get it. Is there any good online training?

I am using Mailchimp for my e-mail marketing and I guess it integrates with Wordpress.
Most of my sites use both. I like to put my questionnaires on a regular xHTML page, but even though I'm comfortable creating new pages, there is no easier, faster way to put up new content than creating a WP post.

I usually put WP on a subdomain. This has its disadvantages. Some of the plug-ins don't work or need to be updated manually when they are on subdomains.

I believe adding these lines to the bottom of wp-config might fix that:

/* Lets wordpress run from outside root directory */
define('WP_SITEURL', "http://${_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}/wordpress");
define('WP_HOME', "http://${_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}");

directly after the http://
put the subdomain, then the {_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}");

define('WP_SITEURL', "http://blog.${_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}/wordpress");

it'll hard code the setting in the wordpress config panel also so you cannot change the site address field, but it might fix the issue with the plugins.