Wordpress Themes

Wordpress.org extended themes are free. The advantage is that the page lengths expand and contract.

That way you are not confined to set bottom boundaries like many themes. A lot of the above places are also very good.

If you do not want to install it yourself, I can tell you where you can get it all installed and ready to go for $5.00
I've been hammered lately with commentspam. I couldn't find a way to turn off the email notifications, but I did see how deleting two php files that deal with comments is supposed to stop it. So I deleted them a little while ago and haven't gotten any CS, but now no one can leave comments. Not a huge deal, I suppose.

Akismet wasn't working at all. Is deleting these files the only option?
Try reinstalling Akismet. Unless there is a conflict with the theme you are using, Akismet should catch 99% of spam.

I have to clean out my spam file at least once a week, sometimes twice.

In the last 60 days Akismet has detected or blocked 13,804 spam attacks and it is on the rise.
Started with Akismet and that seemed to minimize the level of spam we were getting, but not enough so we started using:

Growmap Anti Spambot Plugin
Very simple plugin that adds a client side generated checkbox to the comment form requesting that the user clicks it to prove they are not a spammer. Bots wont see it so their spam comment will be discarded."

This has reduced spam to pretty much nil.
SI Captcha works too.

I rarely have spam get through. Sometimes when it squeaks by Akismet and I get a notice when I log in it is no longer waiting to be approved.

Another thing you can do is allow WP to block comments on posts that are over 30 or 60 days old.