Worst Appt Week EVER!

The other thing to keep in mind is that sometimes you'll have a crappy week...i.e. no shows...but then next week you'll write a ton on reschedules
Ever salesperson in every industry, top gun or not, will experience weeks where nothing pans out as expected.

Good thing the there's those few weeks a year where everybody just seems to be throwing their checkbooks at you to make up the downer weeks.

Moral of the story is I'd rather have more leads than I know what to do with versus too little and no one to see.
I generally set between 3-6 appts a week, and door knock the rest. My appts show up close to 75% of the time typically. I've just knocked on my 5th appt door 10min ago & she's my 5th No-Show!

I have 2 more appts set today, anyone wanna guess if I'll go 1 for 6 or 0 for 7?

Anyone ever have a worst week, appt wise? I can't imagine anyone has gone worst then 0-5?

Gotta love this job.... Never seen anything like this & I thought by now I would've seen pretty much everything!

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Dude, I totally beat you today... 6 appointments, 5 stood me up, one sit and NO sale...lol but I did door knocking until I sold a $45 premium... and then took the 2 hour drive home
That kind of week can only happen to the "best" agents.. The bad agents won't have enough activity for it to happen to them. :1frown:

The good thing is a good agent can take comfort in the fact that it won't happen every week. Sooner or later they have a week where everybody shows up and they have a week even greater than they expected. :yes:

Bingo! One chicken dinner, coming right up!
I don't base my year on what happens in one week. I know how much apptivity I need to reach my yearly goals based on my closing ratio. I have been a 100+ app a year for the last 9 yrs. Can't remember the last no show. I have a very few reschedules. I always tell my prospect if something comes up to let me know and they do. If they don't want to meet w/ me wen I call I move on to the next person. Plenty of fish in the sea. It feels gud wen that biz start chasing you too.
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