Would Like Some Feedback on My New Website

Just wanted to share that I have changed the domain name of my site, and am working on a full redesign.

This is the direction I am going in. The site may be a little glitchy since it's in the process of switching over.

Razorback Insurance
As a webmaster in a previous life, I would say content is key, I would not post a large form on the index or home page. The general site layout looks good, I would just change a few things around. You can always ad landing pages to your server to generate pay per click leads etc.

Just my two cents
what r u doing with the aflac domain?

I made a new domain, which is razorbackinsurance.com, and called my tech support, and told him I would no longer be using AflacNWA at all.

He said he would put in an automatic redirect for anyone that visits AflacNWA to the razorbackinsurance site. He said it can take up to 48 hrs for the full switch over.

I'm assuming that AflacNWA will be deleted once it's switched over, but it may just float out into cyberspace.

Did AFLAC get a hold of the other

No. I just got enough people here telling me it was not a good idea to use their name or logo, that I would have to get permission, etc.

Don't want to go through all that. And, I doubt I'm going to be selling only Aflac for the rest of my career, so I wanted to create a new name for my business that people will recognize.


thanks for the input. I was told before that I need to make the site more about buying insurance than a biography about me lol. Which is why I added a form to each page. I may change that, but I still want the emphasis on buying insurance.

Also, I would appreciate if you could tell me more about landing pages and pay per click leads. That kind of stuff along with SEO is new to me. If you find the time, you can pm or e-mail. Thanks.
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As a webmaster in a previous life, I would say content is key, I would not post a large form on the index or home page. The general site layout looks good, I would just change a few things around. You can always ad landing pages to your server to generate pay per click leads etc.

Just my two cents

I agree dont make the home page an entire quote form sorry if i was not clear. You might want to do some research ona less intrusive way to do it like I dont know if i would have scrappes the entire other site i liked where yoh were going with it but it needed some work in certain areas. Again so you dont run in circles with the site trust me start at keywords and design your website around your seo strategy. It will help you define your market and give you a clearer idea on how to target them. I went through about 3 or 4 redesigns for my site before i found something i liked.