Samantha129... you may be interested to know that MO is also a GI state, with re-writes available +/- 30 days of the policy anniversary. (A little different than CA) These are the only two states that offer GI for Med Sups that I am aware of, but MO is closer to you should you want to get licensed there.
inuranceGuy... The way I think of the OEP rule is, "You can't pick up or drop a PDP plan". This is shorter than the list you made. Think about it: To go from a PDP to PDP, you must "pick up" a new PDP (not allowed) and "drop" the old one (also not allowed). Follow it through, and you will see it works for each scenario, but more succinctly.
inuranceGuy... The way I think of the OEP rule is, "You can't pick up or drop a PDP plan". This is shorter than the list you made. Think about it: To go from a PDP to PDP, you must "pick up" a new PDP (not allowed) and "drop" the old one (also not allowed). Follow it through, and you will see it works for each scenario, but more succinctly.