Would You Write Today's Options MAPD on your 92 Yr Old Grandmother?

Sorry, but by bringing this back up it gave the implication that you were still working on this problem.

As far as customer service with Pyramid, good luck, They are far and away the absolute worst in problem resolution. It doesn't matter who you speak with at the company, it will be dragged on and on. The only thing I've ever seen get their atention is a complaint to Medicare.

Ahhhh, you're right, I should not have brought this old thing up. Guess I thought others should know just how much TO could improve their customer service. Mondays and Todays Options just do not go well together.

Rick, As always, thanks for the help

You are probably correct, but, I did have a situation once where a person was granted an SEP by Medicare to enroll into a PDP plan. They had an old supplement with prescription coverage. There may have been other extenuating circumstances as well, but, after a couple of days on the phone with Medicare, the person was allowed to enroll. It's been a couple of years now and I don't remember all the deatils.

No Med Supp plans that covered medication qualify as creditable coverage. The all had annual limits which made them not in compliance with Part D.

Boy, these things can get you set up. I had a lady during AEP that told me she had BX. Being appointed with them, I realized right away that meant she had a Med Sup. However, she said she had drug coverage, so I asked her who she had her PDP with.... she didn't know. I asked to see her policy, and she had no idea where it was, just showed me her BX card. I called BX, and they said she was terminated about a month earlier for non-payment. I then found out she had an old Plan J w/drug coverage. My client insisted that she had sent in her payment, but admitted it was a late payment. I asked BX about the payment the customer had sent in, and was told "It was being held". At that point, I said just send it back to her, I would sign her up with another plan. Fortunately I was able to get this done during AEP... if she had waited until OEP, we would have been out of opportunity, or so I thought. Didn't know about the possibility of an SEP in this case.... thanks for the info JD!