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Dear insureitnow,
Unfortunately, there have been a ton of Medicare Advantage PFFS problems that we've dealt with at our company. Sometimes, it's CMS' fault and sometimes the company has made an error. However, I've had a couple of personal experiences recently where people have gotten kicked out of their PFFS or Part D plans.
My recommendation is to get your grandmother back into a Medicare Supplement if possible. If you check out page 19 of the 2008 Choosing a Medigap Policy: A Guide to Health Insurance for People with Medicare and look at Situation #5 you might be able to get her reinstated into a Medicare Supplement if she qualifies for this. Some Medicare Supplement companies will allow you to enroll into their plan with this above situation even if you didn't have their Medicare Supplement plan before they enrolled into a PFFS plan. While I'm not for sure if another Med Supp company besides Anthem will accept her I've heard of other companies like Mutual of Omaha/United World/United of Omaha accepting people like this. You might want to try calling them up at 800-673-6493 and see if this will work.
If your grandma can afford a Medicare Supplement I would try getting her into one. This would be her best bet (in my opinion) to have reliable coverage. That way you won't have to guess of whether or not the hospital or doctor will accept the Today's Options PFFS plan.
Unfortunately, there have been a ton of Medicare Advantage PFFS problems that we've dealt with at our company. Sometimes, it's CMS' fault and sometimes the company has made an error. However, I've had a couple of personal experiences recently where people have gotten kicked out of their PFFS or Part D plans.
My recommendation is to get your grandmother back into a Medicare Supplement if possible. If you check out page 19 of the 2008 Choosing a Medigap Policy: A Guide to Health Insurance for People with Medicare and look at Situation #5 you might be able to get her reinstated into a Medicare Supplement if she qualifies for this. Some Medicare Supplement companies will allow you to enroll into their plan with this above situation even if you didn't have their Medicare Supplement plan before they enrolled into a PFFS plan. While I'm not for sure if another Med Supp company besides Anthem will accept her I've heard of other companies like Mutual of Omaha/United World/United of Omaha accepting people like this. You might want to try calling them up at 800-673-6493 and see if this will work.
If your grandma can afford a Medicare Supplement I would try getting her into one. This would be her best bet (in my opinion) to have reliable coverage. That way you won't have to guess of whether or not the hospital or doctor will accept the Today's Options PFFS plan.