You know you're a Final Expense agent when...(fill in the blank)

  1. You get asked... are you the police all the time?
  2. The nice lady you signed up today dipped snuff, but you didn't count her as a smoker.
  3. Your part of an insurance forum... and your sure that all the guys in the finial expense threads sell insurance during the day and do drugs at night!
  4. You get home at night and you dog thinks you work at a pound.
  5. The next time you see one of your clients is at the post office... on the wall.
  6. You come home smelling like reafer but you can honestly tell your wife you "didn't inhale."
This is fun... :twitchy:
The next time you see one of your clients is at the post office... on the wall.

Do they still do that? I used to enjoy looking at those at our small post office when I was growing up, but I'm not remembering seeing them now at the big city post office.
Do they still do that? I used to enjoy looking at those at our small post office when I was growing up, but I'm not remembering seeing them now at the big city post office.

Not exactly sure but I seem to remember seeing some not long ago. Maybe they should put them up in Walmart like the do the lost children pictures.

The nice lady you signed up today dipped snuff
You come home smelling like reafer

This is fun... :twitchy:

My grandma from Arkansas dipped snuff and always had her 1lb. coffee can with her to spit in. When she died I got her snuff can(not the spit can, the one she kept her snuff in), and I've been using it to keep weed in ever since. :yes:
Yeah he was. What ever happened to that guy? Wasn't he selling Supps under SAI last time I heard??

I haven't heard from him in a while. I was coaching him how to cold door knock a targeted data list and he told me he was getting the hang of it and I haven't heard from him since. That's probably been 2 years ago.