YOU LIE!!! (Eight Times)

Not only is the President an out and out liar, but he has turned out to be a worse politician than the one he replaced. This may prove as fatal a mistake as "Read my lips, no new taxes..."
I love, but he is still stuck in the liberal/conservative bias, he needs to expand and see where both parties are selling us out.

I'm with you kid.
Enough of this counter productive "us and them" (Pub or Dem) nonsense.
Look it. You'll find something you don't like about everyone.
Why not go with Ron Paul? He is the only qualified canidate, with integrity and real plans for real change. There is fundamental logic in his positions.
Look it. You'll find something you don't like about everyone.
Why not go with Ron Paul? He is the only qualified canidate, with integrity and real plans for real change. There is fundamental logic in his positions.

Oh pooh. The Libertarians are getting tiresome too. They have had a few years of the holier than thou but everyone is frigged up but us routine. Ron Paul is up on Mount Olympus but everyone else is worthless. I dont disagree with some of it but it has its limits. Where are your goddamn candidates or are you going to just keep trying to take Ron Paul out of the mothball fleet and run with just one person. The Libertarians put up some candidates for president and vice president and they turned out to be a couple dufuses that got into in-fighting. I am not placing them any lower but I am not as willing to give them credit for just kind of being above it all either as I used to be. Same with any Republican who is above it all but off signing books while others are trying to take control and make a difference in Washington.

As Rumsfeld said "you go to to war with the Army you have, not the army you want". There are commies in Washington that need to be routed out because the electorate let them advance until they ended out dining in the capital. Some of those commies are on the run now and we need to support those who go to the front lines to run against them however ideologically impure they may be. Maybe Palin is the ideal, maybe Newt is, maybe Ron Paul is. If they want to provide ideological nourishment and direction to those who go to the front lines to actually rout out commies then fine. But the support needs to go to those who do the deed. (I acknowledge that Ron Paul continues to go to the front line. I am just saying the years are going by and it is still pretty thin out past him).

There are conservative dems who want to stop the commies, there are republicans, and there are libertarians, and there are tea-partyers, and there are independents who stop them. Go with the army you have but move the commies out or cut both the senate and house off at the knees so that it breaks the trance state that they are in with Obama. The libertarians and the republicans diddle around with who will be the ideal candidate somewhere, sometime. Meanwhile the commies are dining in the capital. Move them out first and stop sending fresh commies to the capital.

This country is going to tank if the opposition does not unite. I dont want that. Support the troops on the front line.
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This country is going to tank if the opposition does not unite. I dont want that. Support the troops on the front line.

I don't care if its Ron Paul or Ru Paul.
Just the issues.
America should get out of the 130 countries we have military bases in. Get the govt. out of our *sses, etc.