“I thought this was free...”


1000 Post Club
@DayTimer posted this in a thread that has since been deleted. It was the one gold nugget from that thread. @HoosierLife reposted it to a thread in the Life Insurance forum. I thought I'd quote it over here:

From an agent that has been consistently writing $25,000 a month door knocking Calendar Leads:

Right. So when someone says "I thought this was free" they might be telling you the truth - but they are remembering a different lead form they had seen from a different agent/agency.

There is no way a literate human being can read the form I get from Josh's leads and think it was free. But I do believe folks when they say they thought it was free. I tell them "Ms Mary, I hear that a lot and that's a valid comment, can I tell you why?"

"As a senior you probably get a lot of notices about different products, services, and benefits, don't you?"

I sure do! Someone is always trying to get my money for something.

"It is very likely you received several offers for information about final expense coverage, isn't it?"

I do think I remember getting something in the mail about it too.

"Right. And you know what, Ms. Mary. Not everyone trying to help seniors will mention that this is affordable life insurance. In fact some will deliberately use the phrases "tax-free benefit" and "free information" to trick seniors into thinking this is free life insurance. We feel it is better to be up front and honest with seniors, don't you?"

Why yes! I'm so glad you stopped by/called!

And that is how this works.

Now, if she still insists she only wants it if it is free and I think she isn't open minded enough to be worthy of a presentation, I ask her to throw the lead away for me and I head for the door.

From an agent that has been consistently writing $25,000 a month door knocking Calendar Leads:

Right. So when someone says "I thought this was free" they might be telling you the truth - but they are remembering a different lead form they had seen from a different agent/agency.

There is no way a literate human being can read the form I get from Josh's leads and think it was free. But I do believe folks when they say they thought it was free. I tell them "Ms Mary, I hear that a lot and that's a valid comment, can I tell you why?"

"As a senior you probably get a lot of notices about different products, services, and benefits, don't you?"

I sure do! Someone is always trying to get my money for something.

"It is very likely you received several offers for information about final expense coverage, isn't it?"

I do think I remember getting something in the mail about it too.

"Right. And you know what, Ms. Mary. Not everyone trying to help seniors will mention that this is affordable life insurance. In fact some will deliberately use the phrases "tax-free benefit" and "free information" to trick seniors into thinking this is free life insurance. We feel it is better to be up front and honest with seniors, don't you?"

Why yes! I'm so glad you stopped by/called!

And that is how this works.

Now, if she still insists she only wants it if it is free and I think she isn't open minded enough to be worthy of a presentation, I ask her to throw the lead away for me and I head for the door.
@DayTimer posted this in a thread that has since been deleted. It was the one gold nugget from that thread. @HoosierLife reposted it to a thread in the Life Insurance forum. I thought I'd quote it over here:

Now, if she still insists she only wants it if it is free and I think she isn't open minded enough to be worthy of a presentation, I ask her to throw the lead away for me and I head for the door.
I think Dave coined a new phrase ...."presentation worthy". :yes:
@DayTimer also says (from the thread in the Life Insurance forum):

Whenever I get any objection, I respond one of two ways:

1) Repeat the objection, say no problem, and close again

"Is this about life insurance. Oh, I already have life insurance, so I don't need to let you in."

"You already have life insurance. No problem ... most people do! This takes just 4 to 5 minutes to go over. Where can we sit down real quick?"


"I'm just about ready to go the doctor's appointment."

"You're just about ready to go to a doctor's appointment? No problem. This takes just 4 to 5 minutes to go over. Where can we sit down real quick?" (if they don't have their coat on and the car keys in their hand when they open the door, there ain't no "doctor's appointment" ... it is a blow off.

2) The other way to counter an objection is to validate it and then answer questions to move through it and past it like the above example about the "I thought this was free" objection.

"I have to talk to my son before I do anything. He handles all my finances."

"You would like to run this by your son, Ms. Mary. I hear that a lot, and that is a valid concern. Can I tell you why?"

Yes, please do.

"I'm sure like a lot of seniors we talk to you're getting all kinds of offers for services and benefits on the internet, in the mail, over the telephone, heck, they even try to sell you stuff through the tv, don't they?

They sure do. Everybody is trying to get my money."

It is almost as though a concerned senior who wants to protect her family from the high costs of their final expenses don't know where to turn or who they can trust, can they?

No, we sure can't.

And that is exactly why we come out and meet with seniors like you face to face. What all the other seniors we meet with tell us that they are so thankful to meet us in person, that we show you our state insurance license, and ask you all these health questions ... so that you know you are getting the best policy for your situation from someone you can trust, isn't that nice?

It sure is. I'm so glad you stopped by today!

"Me too, Ms Mary. Me too. Now go grab your driver's license for me and don't forget your check book."

I got it right here! Do I Make the check out to you?

"Heavens no, Ms Mary. I don't ever take your money myself. These are state regulated, not Madoff regulated insurance programs

<we both laugh>


These don't work every time, but they do work often enough - the "free" objection is the easiest. The son/daughter sometimes requires an additional arc of questions. And sometimes Ms Mary just plain ol' sticks to her guns 'cause she don't trust me as far as she can throw me and she ain't buying from me today no how.

Anyhow, I have these written out and I practice them. I practice my door knock script, I practice objections at the door, my presentation, objections at the close, etc. I get a lot of help from my 14 year old son who is going to be a helluva door knocker some day if he ever decides the insurance business is of interest to him.
IT IS FREE (the info, anyway). Just agree with them, never fight in the beginning.
"Of course there is no charge for this information, Marge. My job is simple (do Jensen's spiel from here).":idea:
IT IS FREE (the info, anyway). Just agree with them, never fight in the beginning.

Right, at the door or at the beginning of a presentation I'd just say, "You thought this was free, Ms. Mary. No problem, I'm just here to go over the information with you. What you do with it is up to you." And if this is at the door, I add "where can we sit down real quick."

But that won't work if you get through the presentation, they say they want it it but only if its free. Read that script - there is absolutely no fighting whatsoever.

As to a "spiel," I'd prefer @SPUR CITY's or @jdeasy's or a Tim Winder's presentation to anything else I've come across, but to each his or her own for sure.
I'm firmly convinced that no matter what you lead says, you will have a certain % say they thought it was free. I have run very specific leads as well as plain vanilla leads. Nothing much changes. In fact I think the plainer leads are slightly better.

And it's not because some other lead was more vague.

It's because the mindset of:

Other people pay rent. But mine is free.
Other people pay for groceries. But mine is free.
Other people pay for health insurance. But mine is free.
Other people pay for lawyers. But mine is appointed free.
Etc. etc. etc.

If I'm poor, just because other people pay for your life insurance that doesn't tell me that it's not free for me. How would I know that? That has not been my reality.

But that objection doesn't do anything to change your appointment. You will sell just as many of the people that say that it's the ones who don't.