$100 Per App for PCIP - Whooppie!

Hate to resurrect an old thread but does anyone have an update on how we license or sign up for this? I want my $100, got someone who want to sign up soon. I have a feeling it won't be until October but maybe it will be sooner?
Hate to resurrect an old thread but does anyone have an update on how we license or sign up for this? I want my $100, got someone who want to sign up soon. I have a feeling it won't be until October but maybe it will be sooner?

I know here in NCarolina, both the state and federal plans are offered from one website. Now I haven't wrote a federal plan yet but several state risk pool plans. At the end of the app it has a place to fill out agent info to be paid. One thing of note, it takes at least 45 days after the policy goes into affect before the physical check shows in the mail, no direct deposit.

NCarolina pays 150 for 1-4 apps and 5+ you make 200 a pop.
Hate to resurrect an old thread but does anyone have an update on how we license or sign up for this? I want my $100, got someone who want to sign up soon. I have a feeling it won't be until October but maybe it will be sooner?

I believe that you will have to wait until the federal PCIP applications are changed to include agent information for compensation. With some states, like CA, the state runs the PCIP and those paying comp already have a mechanism for agent identification.

I just sold another CA PCIP a week or so ago and they called me yesterday to verify tax ID because in CA they use the MRMIP app as the master application and agent identification source. I use my Anthem encrypted agent # on MRMIP because I publish to the web and because Anthem runs the MRMIP and can ID me from the encrypted. PCIP can't understand the encrypted so they always call me to get the real #.

NCarolina pays 150 for 1-4 apps and 5+ you make 200 a pop.

Nice! We get $50 a head with no popup for any specific number of applicants. I am wondering if CA PCIP will match the change upcoming from federal PCIP and increase up to $100.
I reviewed the app attached to our quotit engine and it looks like it always didn, not updated yet, and no agent section.

I signed up earlier from a link supplied by someone on this forum somewhere to get info once agents are able to collect comp. Haven't heard anything as of yet. I think this particular client of ours will be another freebie as I am sure she can't wait for the govt to take care of agents. I am predicting October or so before this gets done.
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PCIP can't understand the encrypted so they always call me to get the real #.

It will be interesting to see if PCIP program just publishes our tax id #s for the world to see. I would hope not. We already have NPNs and state IDs. You would think it would be simple to attach either one of those to a tax id or social for payment. It's called "assignment" (sarcasm).
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