2009 Health Insurance Ratings

Ed may not be able to respond for a while. I understand he has some tax issues he is trying to settle before throwing his hat in the ring for Secretary of HHS.
I bet Lyndon Larouche would make a good candidate for Obama's administration.

SN-My In-Laws are there. Class organization. Do you think Mike Brown will ever let someone else run the show?

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...a walk-on QB!

And an all around decent guy... I met him while in his rookie season; common as dirt. I bought him a drink and you would have thought I gave him 1K bucks... quite different for a pro athlete, then and now. Mrs C not too bad (lookin), either... She could be the clubs special counsel... as in JD...
That's a long time to forget filling out a card unless it promised a night with J-lo.

Don't give away my direct mail secret.