2009 Health Insurance Ratings

Despite all the criticism I have heard regarding Most Choice I signed up with Most Choice last week. I am taking notes for each lead I receive so I will post an update on what I have experienced regarding quality, agents shared, and credit policy after the first 50 leads I receive from them.

I have used seven shared internet leads companies in the past four years. Shared internet leads make up about 50% of my book of business so for me they are a necessary evil. I agree with what Chumps had posted in the first note I have used all but three of the companies that he had listed.

I have a couple of comments regarding QuoteAuction and Insureme. I purchased about 50 leads from QuoteAuction about a year ago. I did not take notes on the leads I received from them but the number of bogus leads were astounding, like 8 out of every 10 leads were either fictional prospects or people who had no need for health insurance and had no idea how I received their personal information. I did make one sale from a Quote Auction lead that netted a commission that was a bit more then I spent on their leads so I was grateful to get my money back and make a small profit, but at the cost of wasting allot of time chasing bogus leads. I was exhausted after those 50 leads.

I used Insureme about 3 years ago for about a year. I did well from them. I believe I was closing one out of every 10 Insureme lead. At that time I they were only sharing leads with about 3-4 agents. I called Insureme last week and was told that they now share their leads with up to 8 agents. I thanked them for their honesty but said not thanks.

On an unrelated note: Does anyone else have performance issues with this site? There is a bit of delay for me on this site when going from post to post that I don't get from other sites. I joined this site two years ago and have always noticed the slow performance. Just curious to see if anyone else experiences this.
Gerbear...Re Insureme...I have found the only way to make money with them is to use 1-3 zip codes within a 5-10 mile radius of your office. Expect to request credits for 20% of the leads.

You won't get many leads, but your ROI will be solid.

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Constant Contact was not used in this post
The Steelers will beat the Ravens tonight
How much would one expect to pay for an exclusive term life insurance lead brought in from direct mail (meaning it really is exclusive)?
Not sure I would go that high.

It has been a while since I worked DM leads, but the issue was always the lag time. Usually 2 weeks or more between filling out the lead and the agent getting it.

That's a long time to forget filling out a card unless it promised a night with J-lo.
Feb 2009 NETQUOTE update. Now that credit requests are capped, once you are above that limit (10%?... 20%?), you must call in your credit requests. That can not be processed online.

Wait time will be between 2-5 minutes. Morning wait times are much lower.

Re NetQuote lead quality...I have noticed an increase in quality since the first of the year. Like any lead company, you'll get a plethora of quality variation, but it doe appear to be moving in the right direction.

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WebLeadmonitor was used in this post
The word "plethora" was inserted in this post for SEO reasons only.
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"does" not "doe."
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I agree, the best way to track the quality is to put in for a quote of your area, note the number of agents that call. Also buy atleast 20-50 and note the responses. I am curious to know what you "gurus" think of a good closing rate 1 outa 10? 1 outa 7? what is a good closing ratio for you old fux for internet leads??
thankyou and have a nice day

You might want to begin adding WebLawyer for screening of all your posts since you seem to be such a lightning rod for litigation.... I think Stan Cheslea offers that service.

Why aren't you in PGH today for the parade...?
