2009 MAPD - PDP Commissions

Today's Options was paying $330 and $350 but after 10 sales you got a bonus of $100. I had 65 of these and did get the $430 since Dec. 07. You didn't happen to go through Parker did you?:arghh:

I'm paid direct by Pyramid. Part of the reason for the $225 is because they supposedly give me leads. I did get the $100 bonus, so, I mis-stated the total. I do net $325 per MA because of the $100 bonus. They don't pay me the bonus at the same time they pay me for the app. I get paid daily for apps submitted. They pay the bonus every couple of months.

The only thing I have thru Parker and Asses is Coventry. I don't get the $450 for those that I mentioned earlier. That's what other agents around here get that are not with Parker. With Parker, I get $270 for Coventry. They withhold 20%, so, I get $216. I also qualified for the $100 per app bonus with Coventry, but, they paid it to Parker and I never got it.

That's just one more log on the lawsuit. I think we will all get our money from Paker one day, but, it's gonna be years down the road.

I just don't send them anymore of my business. They won't release, so, I just pass any Coventry situations over to a friend and he sends me any term life situations he runs into.
Just saying, I may be able to give you something higher and still get paid direct through Pyramid and get the same LMS lead account.
Just saying, I may be able to give you something higher and still get paid direct through Pyramid and get the same LMS lead account.

I'm sure there are better deals out there. Pyramid was my first MA company for me to contract with. I didn't know any better then. They won't release, so, I couldn't go with anyone else for them now.

This is my last AEP. I'm only going to call all the people that I promised to call during lock in. I'm not taking any leads for MA's from anyone. If during the course of business after this AEP I run into someone that an MA would be a good fit for, I'll do it, but, I'm not going to seek any new MA business.
This is my last AEP.

Maybe you should consider becoming an Rent-A-Agent. We could swap clients every six years.

Originally Posted by MedSuppPro

Most of CMS activities are through contracted entities. Claims and 1-800Medicare are examples of sub-contracted entities. And we agents are sub-contracted and certified entities. However, we have no say in the contract. It is a take it or leave it proposition. The FMO's did nothing!

And so we have good meaning people at CMS who have education and lots of experience running the CMS business. These administrators are now looking at a new job description that they have had no experience with. They now have to regulate sales activities and develope a set of rules to regulate this new responsibility. This is something that has taken state's years and years to figure out.

CMS has created a new sub-contractor definition called "RENT-A-AGENT". The unitended consequence of their newly created rent-a-agent will be to harm the senior client whom needs our services and advise. This is not a Win-Win solution. And one could argue that their rent-a-agent will ultimately help the insurance carrier's bottom line! CMS should have gone with a levelized commissions model like Anthem has offered for years. Levelizing commissions would have eliminated the quick buck agent and would have meet the requirement set by congress. Instead CMS went overboard on this one.

Should we RENTA-AGENT's fully disclose our limited relationship to perspective clients?
"Mr. and Mrs. Jones, I'm required to disclose that I am compensted by this plan... A MA / PDP works differently than a Medicare supplement plan... Due to CMS rules, I will be (ask Frank) from servicing your future MA / PDP needs beyond {insert 6 or less} years." After {insert 6 or less} years you may go to any agent willing to accept the terms and conditions set by CMS and you will then need to switch plans in order to have a local agent to assit you with your health insurance needs. Or you may call the carrier direct. These home office people are compensated differently then an independent agent and may on a case by case basis accept the terms and condition of an independent agent and agree to service your needs and or advise you of your insurance choices. If at that point you unable to get service and advice that you feel you need and have come to appreciate, you may call 1-800Medicare.

I seriously believe we will need to disclose our Rent-A-Agent relationship to our clients. I don't want to assume the liability in outlying years.​

So, jdeasy, let's figure out a way to make this Rent-A-Agent work for our clients and for our bottom line!
From what I have heard from my local Coventry people, I will not be disappointed in my commission. What that means, I do not know, but I have enough people to sell to where I should be just fine even if it falls to $200 per app.

As for customer service, I have little to no customer service. I have 300+ MAPD clients and get a customer service call once every 6 months maybe. Mind you they are all HMO/PPO plans.
The only customer service I have had that amounted to anything was with Pyramid. I don't care what they pay, it will be the same as everyone else is getting, so on a level playing field, it is what it is. If it isn't enough, I have other products where I make most of my living that are not as seasonal. If all you do is MAPD, you should be making a long range plan to diversify ;)
Maybe you should consider becoming an Rent-A-Agent. We could swap clients every six years.

Originally Posted by MedSuppPro​

Most of CMS activities are through contracted entities. Claims and 1-800Medicare are examples of sub-contracted entities. And we agents are sub-contracted and certified entities. However, we have no say in the contract. It is a take it or leave it proposition. The FMO's did nothing!

And so we have good meaning people at CMS who have education and lots of experience running the CMS business. These administrators are now looking at a new job description that they have had no experience with. They now have to regulate sales activities and develope a set of rules to regulate this new responsibility. This is something that has taken state's years and years to figure out.

CMS has created a new sub-contractor definition called "RENT-A-AGENT". The unitended consequence of their newly created rent-a-agent will be to harm the senior client whom needs our services and advise. This is not a Win-Win solution. And one could argue that their rent-a-agent will ultimately help the insurance carrier's bottom line! CMS should have gone with a levelized commissions model like Anthem has offered for years. Levelizing commissions would have eliminated the quick buck agent and would have meet the requirement set by congress. Instead CMS went overboard on this one.

Should we RENTA-AGENT's fully disclose our limited relationship to perspective clients?
"Mr. and Mrs. Jones, I'm required to disclose that I am compensted by this plan... A MA / PDP works differently than a Medicare supplement plan... Due to CMS rules, I will be (ask Frank) from servicing your future MA / PDP needs beyond {insert 6 or less} years." After {insert 6 or less} years you may go to any agent willing to accept the terms and conditions set by CMS and you will then need to switch plans in order to have a local agent to assit you with your health insurance needs. Or you may call the carrier direct. These home office people are compensated differently then an independent agent and may on a case by case basis accept the terms and condition of an independent agent and agree to service your needs and or advise you of your insurance choices. If at that point you unable to get service and advice that you feel you need and have come to appreciate, you may call 1-800Medicare.​

I seriously believe we will need to disclose our Rent-A-Agent relationship to our clients. I don't want to assume the liability in outlying years.

So, jdeasy, let's figure out a way to make this Rent-A-Agent work for our clients and for our bottom line!

I know you're joking, but, there's too much truth in what you say for it to be funny.​
Why explain something that may happen in 6 years? The rules will have changed 6 times by then anyway ;)
"Mr. and Mrs. Jones, I'm required to disclose that I am compensted by this plan... A MA / PDP works differently than a Medicare supplement plan... Due to CMS rules, I will be (ask Frank) from servicing your future MA / PDP needs beyond {insert 6 or less} years." After {insert 6 or less} years you may go to any agent willing to accept the terms and conditions set by CMS and you will then need to switch plans in order to have a local agent to assit you with your health insurance needs. Or you may call the carrier direct. These home office people are compensated differently then an independent agent and may on a case by case basis accept the terms and condition of an independent agent and agree to service your needs and or advise you of your insurance choices. If at that point you unable to get service and advice that you feel you need and have come to appreciate, you may call 1-800Medicare.

I don't even understand this. Same trouble I had visualizing "donut hole" with the PDP. CMS should try out their ideas to high school seniors to see if they can understand it before adopting the language.