3 Amigos Walk into Texas And.....BAM!

Gotta lay off those jugs of convenience store iced tea. Too much of that stuff will definitely give you kidney stones.:eek:

Thats right, tea and sodas. I started back on them too much around the 4th of July.


I've seen Davey and Daviso together. Davey towers over Daviso.

Hooray, that means there is at least one person I can look down on in this world.;)
Yes and Yes. ;);) ---------- Yep, I get them about once a year. Been over a year so i was due LOL, passed one Monday night and another one Tuesday morning. OOOUUUCCCHHHHH!!:mad: ---------- Thats ok I can take all the "low" blows yall can dish out. I mean its not like Im gonna "lower" myself like others. Thats just "lowering" my standards. LOL, but some on here get all bent out of shape about it :biggrin::biggrin:

How was the ride along w Spur?
How was the ride along w Spur?

JG really looked up to him. :1laugh:

Gotta lay off those jugs of convenience store iced tea. Too much of that stuff will definitely give you kidney stones.:eek:


Father, Uncle, Grandfather, ALL had kidney stones. Hell they still get them. Dad warns me I'll be getting them and I'm like nope, filtered water drinker here. I mean legit filtered with a fancy unit under my sink.

Sugar doesn't cause kidney stones, it's our damn Florida water. By the time it goes from the aquifer thru the limestone it legit has sediment, basically very tiny rocks. No shock those build up in your kidney overtime.

I love me some sweet tea, but VERY rarely drink it. 64oz of filtered water daily. My brother is a huge Coca-Cola drinker but he's good too because they use a very good water filtration system to make coke with.

This is my theory and I'm sticking to it to keep the fear away :err: