$6,000-$10,000 Business Loan @10-15% Interest

Originally Posted by 0b1kanobee
This is by far one of the dumbest threads I have ever seen on here. :SLEEP:
You must not hang out here much :)

djs, that was such a great comeback. (almost made milk come out my nose)

healthagent - the show you are referring to is called "Shark Tank". I really liked that show. You had idiots on there and some really smart people with some great ideas or inventions, and some with a great business plan. (kinda reminds me of this forum) :laugh:

Let me ask this then. If you had to start all over from scratch and then someone loaned you $6,000 - $10,000. How would you make it back to where you are today? Of course, I am assuming you guys are netting over $100,000 in income per year.

Would you use direct mail? 1,000-2,000 pieces per week?
Would you buy internet leads?
Would you cold call? Use an autodialer?
Would you sell medicare supplements, final expense, under age 65 health insurance, long term care, annuitys, investments? Or a combination of some of the above?
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Yes, it was Shark Tank. Let's say you went on there asking for 10K with a 10% return. That means your business is worth $100,000...but based on what. Past performance. They'd want to know what you made in the past.

The "Sharks" would ask for 51% of your company. So you get the 10K and in return you'd give them 51% of everything you made. Possible they'd ask for 49%. You'd be laughed out of the room at 10%.

You are more looking for what's called a Pay Day loan. Try 2,000%.
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I could see it now. Barbara would have said "you don't need to listen to these sharks. You don't even need an equity partner. All you need is a small loan to get you started. I would be willing to do that"

And you know what. Even if she charged me 20% interest to borrow the money it would still be a good deal because I would invest that money into myself, make $100,000 for the year and pay her back. Well worth it.
So take your $2,500+ and make $40,000 - $50,000 and owe no one.

I could see it now. Barbara would have said "you don't need to listen to these sharks. You don't even need an equity partner. All you need is a small loan to get you started. I would be willing to do that"

And you know what. Even if she charged me 20% interest to borrow the money it would still be a good deal because I would invest that money into myself, make $100,000 for the year and pay her back. Well worth it.
Wino, you can say it till you're blue in the face. We're the ones that are supposed to take the risk....not him.
I noticed yourpost is at 10:56. My clock on my computer says it is 10:54. I guess your message is from the future. lol

(I set my clock now two minutes ahead. I don't want to be behind the times:)
Bruklynstu <--- I can't stand these guys who jump on the forum and all they want to do is talk about religion!