$6,000-$10,000 Business Loan @10-15% Interest

It looks like there are 8 pages so far and i won't go a read them all but as this is a insurance message board has anyone asked him if he has any cash value within a life policy?

Today I did some sprucing up and and found out I had over $20.00 dollars worth of coins in varioes places. Jars, cups, bowls and yes in my car. I took them to one of those counting machines and gave the slip to some kid. The slip said I had to present it to a cashier today.. but all the lines had more than 3 people in them with big shopping cats and there was no way I was going to wait... Here's the kicker. I needed air in my tires and it cost 75 cents for the air machine. I didn't have the change so I had to spend $1.10 to get 3 quarters. The gas station didn't make change you had to buy something.. What this has to do with the post ?? Absolutely nothing..

**One more thing. Calif. law says gas stations are supposed to provide free air..