$6,000-$10,000 Business Loan @10-15% Interest

Serious inquiries need to PM me and then I will call them or send them my phone number so we can talk about it. I am only willing to share my business plan with serious people who will sign a nondisclosure agreement.
Ok, I won't be negative, I'll be helpful.

Grab a list and a phone and start dialing. Telemarketing can and will get you off the ground and although it's hard, it also works.

Why worry about paying someone back when you can indeed get off the ground without getting yourself in debt.

You need a mentor, not a loan.

There are many ways to market and generate leads for health insurance. Almost all work, some ideas are just better than others.

I have been selling health insurance since 1978. Probably before you were born. If back in 1979 or 1979, I were to write a 30 page business plan, I can guarantee you it would have been full of hope, dreams, expectations and a whole lot of crap.

Over the years, I have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on newspaper inserts, print ads, direct mailers, blah, blah, blah.

You know what worked best? Knocking on doors. I would go door to door talking to business people. I would ask them ," are you in a position to lower your health insurance costs?" Who can say no to this question??? At the end of one day of knocking on doors, I would have enough leads to keep me busy for a week. My COA was just my time.
I hate to pick , but you have mispelled "their" twice now. I read through all your posts, and "thier" is hard on my eyes.

Good luck.

You may have to work a part or even full time job to realize your dreams.

I have been where you are and that is what I had to do.
My good friend has a salaried position and works the group market. He gets salary, 401K, health and a company car. Guess how he gets 100% of his business. You guessed it - cold-calling.

His agency used to send out mailers to business owners. The short of is, they don't work. What works is picking up the phone.
"My good friend has a salaried position and works the group market. He gets salary, 401K, health and a company car. Guess how he gets 100% of his business. You guessed it - cold-calling.

His agency used to send out mailers to business owners. The short of is, they don't work. What works is picking up the phone."

you got that right healthagent, you have to work hard to build your agency up (cold colding, walk and talks to businesses)

crons79 been there done that small business loan for insurance whhhheeeewwww hard to get unless you have 50-60% of the money already sitting in your bank account. which is stupid because if you have the money already you don't need the loan you just have to risk your own money. Grunt work needs to be done until you build your business up (just being real)..


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I know it's hard starting out, but you've got to quit this line of thinking (that you need a loan) You've gotten some good advice on this thread and if you follow it, you won't owe anyone a dime. You'll also be proud that you did it on your own.