70% Shopping Rate??

What happens in Florida stays in Florida . . . at least when it comes to Medicare plans.

Meanwhile in the remaining states life will be brutal on the dark side of the sun . . . at least where Part D is concerned.

My big question is, how many folks will opt to go bare and bypass the PDP if the premiums on even the most basic plans are over $20 and everything cranks through the deductible.
That thought has crossed my mind as well, and I can see it happening, as several years ago the lowest cost PDP in Florida was around $20, and many people's knee jerk reaction was to go bare.

It definitely took a little extra effort to explain the risks they were taking, and the part D penalty if they chose to go without, but it was worth it to properly protect the client. In all my years, I think I only had maybe 2 customers adamantly go without a PDP.

It will be interesting to see what happens with that Wellcare VS $0 plan next year. Does it go back to a $10 premium? Higher? Stay zero?
So let’s say you got 1000 clients and you have to talk to each and every client for pdp or mapd . How will you have time to sell 60 new ? For 53 days you’ll have to talk to 20 clients each and every day . No way did you do that in previous yrs .It is what it is . I cross bridges as they come
This is not how our industry works. You make yourself very accessible to your clients. Most of them don’t want or need a consultation. They will keep what they have.

Will there be more shoppers? Yes. But no broker will be hearing from 100% of their clients. If you were in this business in the Obama days, you know this well. This is not new.
This is not how our industry works. You make yourself very accessible to your clients. Most of them don’t want or need a consultation. They will keep what they have.

Will there be more shoppers? Yes. But no broker will be hearing from 100% of their clients. If you were in this business in the Obama days, you know this well. This is not new.
As long as DonP is on the prowl you best contact 100% of your clients or come 4/1/25 they will be his clients. I don’t feel any of us are safe as long as he is in this business and especially if he keeps getting marketing money. Virtually unstoppable and may end up in top 1/4% in the Nation. lol
As long as DonP is on the prowl you best contact 100% of your clients or come 4/1/25 they will be his clients. I don’t feel any of us are safe as long as he is in this business and especially if he keeps getting marketing money. Virtually unstoppable and may end up in top 1/4% in the Nation. lol

In the World
This is not how our industry works. You make yourself very accessible to your clients. Most of them don’t want or need a consultation. They will keep what they have.

Will there be more shoppers? Yes. But no broker will be hearing from 100% of their clients. If you were in this business in the Obama days, you know this well. This is not new.
I was just hypothetically using 100% . I know you won’t talk to 100%. But let’s say very generic drugs like blood pressure and cholesterol are now $20 instead of $0. Let’s say in the first qtr 20% of your clients get prescribed or have a tier 2 or 3 drug that was 0 copay and now has the $590 deductible ? Many of these people will be calling you in Jan-March (oep). They will angry and possibly shop around . So are you saying your not going to call all your clients and run there drugs and dr’s ? Only if they call you
As long as DonP is on the prowl you best contact 100% of your clients or come 4/1/25 they will be his clients. I don’t feel any of us are safe as long as he is in this business and especially if he keeps getting marketing money. Virtually unstoppable and may end up in top 1/4% in the Nation. lol
I’m not worried. Don tells me there won’t be an industry in January. Who am I to doubt one of the heaviest hitters in the biz?
