73 Year Old Female Needs Siwl


100+ Post Club
She will be having rotator cuff surgery next week. Will any of the SIWL companies accept this person prior to the surgery? Since this is a medical procedure not yet completed I know that some will not take her. I did not see the question on Oxford's Assurance but not sure what additional questions will be asked by interviewer. Any thoughts?
She will be having rotator cuff surgery next week. Will any of the SIWL companies accept this person prior to the surgery? Since this is a medical procedure not yet completed I know that some will not take her. I did not see the question on Oxford's Assurance but not sure what additional questions will be asked by interviewer. Any thoughts?

I think most of them will write it. If you want to avoid an interview which really shouldn't even be an issue, Monumental definitely works.
If the application asks about test, surgery or further procedures pending, you will have to wait until after the surgery. I cannot recall any life insurance application, other than GI, that doesn't ask that question in some manner.

Do you know if it requires general anesthesia? If so, you might want to talk to an underwriter at the company of your choice. While rare, there are some serious risks with general anesthesia. Local is much less risky.
Most of the yes/no knockout questions on SIWL will probably eliminate her. However, depending upon her overall health situation, if she is able to pass more of an underwritten policy, where questions are asked and explanations and details given, (RNA maybe), then the rotator cuff surg will be inconsequential.

OR, wait until the surg is completed if she definitely needs the SIWL product.
Huh? None of the SIWL apps I have seen ask orthopaedic questions. Think about this for a moment. If SIWL had a yes/no knockout question regarding joints, then most seniors would not qualify.

Nothing to do with ortho or joint problems. It has to do with a pending surgery. It is a knockout with just about every company.
What applications are you guys reading this on? Are you thinking of FE or Med Sups?

I don't think ANY true FE application asks anything like that. You had me doubting myself. I looked at Oxford and 5-Star and there would be no problem at all with a scheduled knee replacement surgery.

I don't think ANY companies ask about pending surgeries unless it's for conditions they screen for.
The only question on the Oxford app that even comes close to addressing this situation is #14. It asks about ADL's. I'm pretty sure they are talking about permanently needing assistance for bathing, dressing, etc.

In the case of the rotator surgery, that would be temporary assistance, if she will even need any assistance at all.
Foresters question 3(B) "surgery

GMP Life question 27(B) "Been told by a medical professional that (s)he needs a medical procedure, surgery, hospitalization or nursing facility care that has not been completed?

This appointment was actually one of those appointments that can get to you if you let it. Door knocked the prospect yesterday but only the husband was there. Nice guy, retired navy. I did a little fact finding through casual conversation told him I would come back when his wife was home. He told me they were definitely interested and his wife would be back today so why not come by at 3:30? I said great.

Drove an hour and arrived at 3:30. When I knocked on the glass door saw and heard the wife on the phone. Within a minute a car zooms up and a lady in her mid 40's to 50's gets out and lets me know her mom emailed me to tell me they were not interested. I never saw the husband. The daughter must wear the pants and have enough balls for the mom and dad. Oh yeah, btw, I never got the freakin email asslady! I really don't know why some people just can't say "I'm sorry, we just are not interested."
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