A Different Take on the Big Check

You are always saying things like that as though you read them here. But the fact is that the only I've that drivel from is you.

I don't even know what your whine is about. Just a whine to whining I guess?


When one says it's a "guess" is that not saying it's opinion?

There's truth to it JD, and you know it or you wouldn't know that Wino was referring to you.

I'll put my comments to your next couple of posts on this one.

You can deny it, but you've said those things before. You have the attitude that if it's different than your way...it's wrong. You're coming around some, but you've still got that attitude. If you say that you never said that selling FE over the phone won't work unless it's done from a call center...then I have to call you a liar.

You've said many of the things Wino mentioned. I don't need to take the time to find posts where you said those things because I know you've said them. We've been down this road before.

I actually like you most of the time JD, but I think it's BS when you say things like "But the agents that don't sell FE for a living do seem to be the ones with the most advice on how to sell FE."

Rouse, Wino and myself combined have 100 years...a century in this business. All 3 of us sold FE when you were still making tires, but because we don't sell it full time we don't have a clue what we're talking about.

Wino's point was that you have to be able to change and adapt with the times. You have a system that works for you, but there's more than one way to skin a cat.

I'm ready for the name calling to begin(even though you always say that you don't).:)
There's truth to it JD, and you know it or you wouldn't know that Wino was referring to you.

I'll put my comments to your next couple of posts on this one.

You can deny it, but you've said those things before. You have the attitude that if it's different than your way...it's wrong. You're coming around some, but you've still got that attitude. If you say that you never said that selling FE over the phone won't work unless it's done from a call center...then I have to call you a liar.

You've said many of the things Wino mentioned. I don't need to take the time to find posts where you said those things because I know you've said them. We've been down this road before.

I actually like you most of the time JD, but I think it's BS when you say things like "But the agents that don't sell FE for a living do seem to be the ones with the most advice on how to sell FE."

Rouse, Wino and myself combined have 100 years...a century in this business. All 3 of us sold FE when you were still making tires, but because we don't sell it full time we don't have a clue what we're talking about.

Wino's point was that you have to be able to change and adapt with the times. You have a system that works for you, but there's more than one way to skin a cat.

I'm ready for the name calling to begin(even though you always say that you don't).:)

Im down with name calling but you have to go first or I'll get banned again for vulgarity or personal attacks:):D
Im down with name calling but you have to go first or I'll get banned again for vulgarity or personal attacks:):D

I'm surprised I haven't been yet. I've had a bunch of final warnings. Gooner spotted a violation earlier. Maybe I won't join the club...yet.

OK, you want me to go 1st, here goes...You %$#*&@$ER! Your turn.:twitchy:
Wino, the king of splitting hairs and double speak lol.


You have no idea. Back in my more pugnacious days I could get someone else to be the aggressor in a heart beat. Of course that can go south if it is the wrong guy.:cry:


Im down with name calling but you have to go first or I'll get banned again for vulgarity or personal attacks:):D

Pee pee head, poop butt.
This has really gotten to be a little hilarious.. All I said was this is what one agent is doing and it worked for him. Didn't say everybody should or would even want to do it that way. To some, it is a visual sales aid.. to others it is a gimmick. For years I used a page with three checks on it.. On them I would fill one out as a death benefit, the second as the cash value at a certain point in time an the third the amount of RPU at the same point in time. Did it help close the sale any more than just writing those figures on a legal pad? Probably not but I felt it did. Certainly did not hurt nor did it hurt my persistency as I have always met the NQA requirements.

Some like sales aid.. some don't. Some like a scripted presentation, others claim to wing it. If whatever you are doing works for you and you are achieving your goals, fine.. Don't change. But if you are struggling doing it the way you are doing it, then maybe some other way would suit you better. I thought one of the purposes of the forum was to share different ideas. Am beginning to think I must be wrong about that too.
This has really gotten to be a little hilarious.. All I said was this is what one agent is doing and it worked for him. Didn't say everybody should or would even want to do it that way. To some, it is a visual sales aid.. to others it is a gimmick. For years I used a page with three checks on it.. On them I would fill one out as a death benefit, the second as the cash value at a certain point in time an the third the amount of RPU at the same point in time. Did it help close the sale any more than just writing those figures on a legal pad? Probably not but I felt it did. Certainly did not hurt nor did it hurt my persistency as I have always met the NQA requirements. Some like sales aid.. some don't. Some like a scripted presentation, others claim to wing it. If whatever you are doing works for you and you are achieving your goals, fine.. Don't change. But if you are struggling doing it the way you are doing it, then maybe some other way would suit you better. I thought one of the purposes of the forum was to share different ideas. Am beginning to think I must be wrong about that too.

No one said not to share ideas...I very plainly said , "in my opinion". Then I challenged anyone who is actually producing decent numbers to man up and say they use a gimmick.

Using a brochure to highlight benefits, company history is simple marketing to me...eliciting emotion from a big check it using fake cash...I'll buy dinner for the first over 20k/month producer that uses such a strategy.
No one said not to share ideas...I very plainly said , "in my opinion". Then I challenged anyone who is actually producing decent numbers to man up and say they use a gimmick.

Using a brochure to highlight benefits, company history is simple marketing to me...eliciting emotion from a big check it using fake cash...I'll buy dinner for the first over 20k/month producer that uses such a strategy.

Does it have to be FE premium?
No one said not to share ideas...I very plainly said , "in my opinion". Then I challenged anyone who is actually producing decent numbers to man up and say they use a gimmick.

Using a brochure to highlight benefits, company history is simple marketing to me...eliciting emotion from a big check it using fake cash...I'll buy dinner for the first over 20k/month producer that uses such a strategy.

I don't that many $240K producers so we will have to wait to see if any speak up. However, different people do things different ways.. I would never use an "Illustration" that I once heard an old debit agent use back when I was a young pup in the business. He was talking with an older lady in Copperhill, TN who said she didn't need the $1500 life insurance policy he was presenting becasue she had a "Burial Plan" at the funeral home. This was in the days when a person could get a $250 plan for a quarter per week.

He looked at her and said, "Ma'am, (that's the way we talked back in those days) that's wonderful but I don't think that is the way you want to be buried. The casket they used is made of cardboard! A few years ago I was over at the graveyard attending the funeral of a customer of mine.. Now, you know how hilly that graveyard is..Well, the pallbearers were carrying the casket down the hill to the grave when one of them slipped and fell. The casket tilted up and Mr. ____ came right through the end of it and started to rolling down the hill with the other pallbearers trying to catch him. Now, you wouldn't want that to happen to you would you? She looked at him and said, "How much did you say this was".. He wrote the app and it was still in force years later when she died.

I have never been one to back the hearse up to the door but he did and did it well. He was always one of the company leaders.


Well in this instance since we are talking about FE sales gimmicks(atleast that's what I thought we were talking about) Yes.

We are not talking about "FE Sales Gimmicks".. We are talking about "FE Sales Visual Aids." :1biggrin: